
An Amazing Affirmation of Oneness

A team of researchers recently received a magnificent “thank you” in the form of multiple breaches and tail fluke waves from a humpback whale entangled in a net in the Sea of Cortez off Baja, California that they helped to rescue.

First a member of the team jumped into the water and established eye-to-eye contact with the whale. They knew getting this close was risky, but after some deliberation decided it was worth it. They worked from their boat to cut the whale loose from the netting with a small knife. When the whale was partially freed, it started swimming with the boat for about a half hour, as if she kind of knew this was her chance for freedom.

After an hour, the whale was finally free. She then dove under the water and resurfaced with spectacular breaches and tail fluke waves for the next hour that felt like a joyful “thank you” to her rescuers.

What an amazing affirmation of our oneness with all creatures and with one another!

A friend and I observed that when we saw this magnificent being on television being rescued, it brought tears to our eyes. I believe this is because we are all caught in the net of our struggling selves and are learning how to rescue ourselves so that we may experience the joy of being who we truly are.