The Joy of Hawaii
I am beginning to feel a deep calling to lead another retreat in Hawaii. For many years every February we went to remember, celebrate and open to life as it is. Many of these retreats were at a magical retreat center on Molokai, and as I write this, my body is alive from the joy of remembering the last retreat at the Hui.
I am writing today because I’m asking you to hold the space that we can gather together again in Hawaii to remember what it is like to live from the ease and the peace that is our true nature. I’m having spine surgery this week and the only thing stopping me from offering a retreat in Hawaii is my health. So please hold that the surgery will go well so that Hawaii can touch us again with its healing presence.
I can feel the essence of the last retreat where we opened our hearts to ourselves and to each other. Such joy! At the end of the retreat, the Hui’s resident artist and manager of the gallery said to me, “I want whatever you all shared together. All of these people came here in their ordinary, everyday selves, and are leaving just glowing.”
What was it that allowed us all to open into the joy and aliveness that is our essence and our birthright? We first explored the idea that we all have a storyteller in our heads that is based on fear and glued together with judgment. We recognized that we hardly notice most of the fear and judgment that moves through our heads all day long because we have become used to struggling with life. But the more we looked, the more evident it was that we didn’t have to be run by fear, guilt or shame.
For many of the people, there was a radical shift in perception when they discovered that they didn’t have to believe the stories in their heads! It was also very freeing to find out that everybody was telling themselves the same story such as: “I can’t trust life, so I have to ‘do it and do it right,’” secretly believing that it was never quite right enough! Then, step by step, we learned how to unhook from these oftentimes subtle stories of fear and self-judgment so that we could simply open to life.
The theme of the retreat was All Is Welcome Here! When the stories in our heads are met with curiosity and compassion, they let go of their hold on us, and what is left is life in all its magical mystery, right here, right now. As we unhooked from the storyteller in our heads, we also discovered that it is safe to open to life – not an idea of it, but the living experience. And this is what we are homesick for – the experience of truly being alive!
Dear Mary,
May God bless you with full recovery from your spine surgery!
I just attended a contemplative photograph workshop at the Hui, and I am interested in joining your potential retreat at the Hui. Please kindly keep me posted with the Hui retreat updates. Thank you!
Best wishes with your spine surgery. I haven’t kept in touch, but your books, emails, etc have been a great help.
Much love.
Hawaii sounds so good. I know all will be well with the little hiccup in your body.. Many blessing to you.
Love is the answer.
love, Joanne
Dear Mary, I will hold you in the sacred embrace of prayer for your healing health, and for the vibrant return of your better health.
I attended the ‘All is Welcome Here’ retreat with you at the glorious paradise of the Hui Ho’olana Retreat Center in Molokia, Hawaii those many years ago. If hope and the sea breezes call you back, your return would be very welcome. Godspeed always, Sky Ann.
Dear mary
Knowing you are in alignment with Divine Healing energies and your recovery from surgery will be so liberating for your flexibility and mental vitality!
With abounding love
Pam, from Molokai retreat 2013(?)
Dearest Mary:
May you, your surgeon’s and the medical staff be surrounded in white light of protection and your surgery a stellar success.
May you recover fully and in ease.
Blessings are over flowing.
And so it is.
Love to you!
In gratitude for all our work together in years past,and the many Satuday’s I spent with you in your home for the monthly silent retreat’s.
Katherine Hanson
Hi Mary, sending you love and definitely holding space for you with your upcoming spinal surgery. Keeping you in my heart always!!!
Love and blessings to you. Praying for perfect healing hands caring for you in the spirit as well as the flesh and seeing you radiating health, vitality and inspiration for all that lies before you.
Praying that your surgery goes well and that your spine heals like you heal the hearts of everyone around you! Sending positive vibes your way and hoping a Hawaii retreat is in your future. xo
I look forward to hearing about a potential retreat in Hawaii!
In the meantime Mary I wish you all the very best success with your surgery.
with love, Argyro
Thank you so much for you have greatly helped a 73-year old grandma begin my journey of forgiveness, awareness, and presence . Bless you and I send my love, Jan
I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks cause you have!