
You are Totally Unique and Absolutely Necessary

You are reading these words because you are on the journey back home – back into an intimate, alive, trust filled connection with yourself.

In the exact right time and right way, you will know that:

You are a completely unique and totally necessary expression of life.

In this never to be repeated moment in time, you have been given the gift of life because life needed to express itself as you.

There is nothing wrong with you. You are and always will be a mix of strengths and vulnerabilities.

You will be a work in progress until your last breath and trying to fix yourself is an endless game of struggle.

You are perfectly imperfect.

You can learn from your mis-takes but you don’t have the right to judge any thought, feeling or action you have experienced, for you have always been doing the best that you knew how with the conditioning you have been given.

You are ready to live beyond the tight and small space of your mind and instead live from the spaciousness, nourishment and wisdom of your heart.

You are ready for the joy of being kind to whatever you contract around inside of you. You finally see that whatever you are resisting has been waiting a long time to be touched by your heart.

The greatest gift you can give to yourself and others is to fall in love with yourself exactly as you are. Is this easy? No! But life, and with all its ups and downs, is bringing you home to your heart.

You will know how to live in your body, tapping into its insight and intelligence.

Being grounded in your body allows your heart to open again so you can live from its infinite wisdom rather than just from your mind.

The more you open your heart to yourself, the more you cherish every single bit of life, especially you.

We are all family, sharing this planet together. You then become an instrument of healing wherever you go.

We are all nutty as fruitcakes! We all carry and get lost in the same dark places.

All deep healing happens in the presence of your accepting, enfolding heart.

In the short run, trying to fix, change or understand may sometimes be necessary, but it isn’t where lasting healing happens.

As you heal the war inside of you, which is always trying to make something happen or to get someplace else, you discover that you have room for whatever you are experiencing, even if it is something you formerly feared, like loss, illness, and death.

Living from your heart allows you to you discover it is safe to be naturally you. Your belly softens, your breath opens, and you connect again with the joy of simply being!


If this calls to you, we will be exploring these truths and more in my online course called Being Healed by Our Compulsions, which is starting on September 23rd and is currently $200 off, available at this low price of $297 thru August 20th with coupon code: $200comp3

Every week you will receive written lessons along with audio and video files, so you can enter the course in whatever way that works for you. You will also receive invitations every week, which show you how to bring the lessons into your life. We gather on Zoom, an online meeting room, every other week to explore and share together.

  1. Once again, thank you, Mary, for this encouragement and reminder that life is all a gift given, and a gift received.

  2. So needed today, and such a perfectly tailored message I needed to read. Thank you so much, Mary. I really appreciate you.