
The Wisdom of the Grandmother Tree

As I write this, I am looking out my window at the 158-year-old Maple tree that my little cottage is nestled under. I call this beloved tree the grandmother and in all the years we have lived together she breathes out oxygen, which I then breathe in. And then I breathe out carbon dioxide, which she takes in. That is the exquisite interconnectedness of life. Sometimes I sit quietly as we breathe together, and I let her in for she carries wisdom that most of us are cut off from.  

I also love to imagine what she has seen and experienced as her life unfolded. She was an infant when Lincoln became president, and she was here before cars, phones and electric lights. In all her life she has probably never experienced a 108° temperature like we had this summer, and she probably has not experienced multiple days where the air was dense with smoke particles.  

Something is happening on our planet that is so very scary. I invite you to come sit on the moon with me and see before you this beautiful blue-green-white jewel of a planet that is our home. Be stunned by her beauty but also see that her weather patterns are becoming deeply disturbed. Wild storms with high winds and torrential rains are becoming more intense and more frequent. Wildfires are exponentially increasing, burning not only homes and forests but also towns.  

If this makes your heart ache like it does mine, the question to ask yourself is, “How can I make a difference? How can my actions contribute to the healing of our planet rather than its devastation?” 

You probably won’t sign up to fight forest fires or become a scientist to try to help save our coastal cities. But there are many things that you can do. The most basic thing is to live simply. Recycle as much as you can. Buy used and make skillful decisions about your transportation. 

But even more importantly, cleanup your inner environment. All the greed, all the violence, all the unskillful actions on this planet come from minds that are disconnected from life. And most of us, most of the time are disconnected, lost in our thoughts, trying to do life rather than be life. But we don’t have to live this way, half alive, caught in our minds addiction to struggle. 

So give yourself the gift of the daily meditation practice. We need quiet for sanity, we need quiet to come back to ourselves. There are so many great apps now that can guide you if you’ve never done this before. Also bring the great healer of breathing practices into your life for they can calm what is agitated, opened what is closed and enliven what has become half alive inside of you. 

And something that is so very essential, and we have almost completely lost sight of it, is to spend time in nature every day. Because we live in such a fast-paced world that is lost in doing, doing, doing, always going somewhere else, it can be hard to settle down and just open to nature. If you find this difficult, close your eyes and focus on your out breath, letting it be long and slow and deep, then simply allowing your in breath.  

When you’ve calmed down a bit, put all your focus on listening. There are so many sounds dancing all around you and within you. It is the music of life, and it may include cars, airplanes and human voices, but also birds singing, the wind dancing through the trees and the sound of water. Don’t reach out.  Allow the sounds to come to you, as you listen to life expressing itself.   

Stay with this as long as it calls to you and then, when you open your eyes let life in. See, really see it as if you have never been on this planet before. You can do this for 10 seconds or 10 minutes. Don’t force it. Most of us have been far, far away from life for a long time. But this grounding and opening to life as it is can open your eyes to the absolute wonder, intelligence, and interconnectedness of all of life. And when you open to life in this way it becomes more and more impossible to act in any way that would harm our planet and all the beings that are part of her dance. 

It is time to fall in love with our planet again so you can become a part of the healing that it is crying for. I leave you with my favorite quote from Chief Sealth: 

“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” 

If this post speaks to you, please consider checking out my radio show of the same title on Dreamvisions 7 Radio for the next two Thursdays at 5 AM & 5 PM PT or after that click Previous Episodes On Demand. 

  1. Hi Mary,

    Lovely post and really resonated with me. I am so sad about what we have done to this beautiful planet and all the beings who have the misfortune to share it with such a greedy, shortsighted, selfish species. Quite why we’ve come to believe that we have the power and the dispensation to ride roughshod over anything and everything in our path is a mystery. Our ancestors knew so much more about how to relate to and work with Mother Nature and our response was to “civilise” them…

    I saw such heartwarming change taking place during lockdown – signs of the planet beginning to heal while destructive human activities were curtailed. Covid-19 was such a brilliant, if painful, lesson to the human species in every way. I hoped that we would learn from it to live more as you suggest so wisely in your post and yet it seems that all everyone wants to do is “return to normal”; resume flights abroad, shop – in short to get back to the materialistic, consumerist way of living that we’d been forced to assess during lockdown. So, so sad. Such a wasted opportunity (if anything is ever wasted).

    There’s no doubt in my mind that Gaia has lost patience with us and that we are in store for far more painful lessons and repercussions than we’ve experienced so far but something has to make us sit up and take notice and, while many are, I’m shocked at how many people just want to live their lives as they’ve always done.

    I live in Wales and, when they could, people robbed of nature and freedom during lockdown, started to visit the Brecon Beacons and other beauty spots in this beautiful country. They parked all over the lanes causing traffic jams. Public loos were closed so they used nature as their public toilets. They left hue amounts of litter and plastic in the countryside; walked off footpaths because, as one woman who was interviewed said “she had to have her freedom”(!) and damaged crops; broke branches off trees to make fires; eft gates open allowing farm animals to escape; allowed their dogs to injure and kill other animals – in short, showed no respect for the “Nature” that they apparently had suddenly discovered they needed.

    I find it hard not to despair and think that the planet would be better off without us.

    Apologies for the downbeat message. I think your post caught me at a bad time!

    1. I feel your true love of our planet in your words. Yes, we all need to do a lot better to mother earth. Thank you for taking the time to comment.

  2. Doing all I can dear Mary to keep our planet healthy and flourishing. I pray for its healing for my grandchildren and future generations. Walking in nature each day nourishes my mind, body, and spirit. Prayers for our world leaders in their decision making about our environment..🙏🏼

  3. Thank you for such wonderful words full of feeling and truth. I miss the days of my childhood when I ran through green fields full of trees, vegetation and clean rivers. His teaching reminds me that those fields are still within me. ¡A hug!