Is Division Winning?

Does your heart ache when you see the division in the US and around the world? Does your blood boil when you hear somebody who has a position different than yours? Does your heart break when you contemplate the possibility of this fragile democracy, this beacon of freedom for the whole world, crashing and burning?
What in the hell is going on? And how do we heal it? By letting people who have different views know they are wrong, and they should change? By throwing our hands up and saying there’s nothing that we can do?
I think the most powerful thing we can do is shift our perception. Come into the bigger picture with me and see that life is been unfolding for over 4 billion years on this planet and all the creativity that has come before us has brought us to this moment and these experiences. When you see what we have done with this field of creativity that is life, you have to ask, “Is humanity just stupid, arrogant, and self-absorbed? Did life make a mistake by creating humans that at this point in their evolution are much more concerned with taking than giving? No! What do I mean by that?
About 40,000 years ago something showed up on this planet that has never been here before – the ability to think about life – to talk about it, to communicate, to write poetry, and to make symphonies. We became so enamored of this new tool we eventually forgot it is just a tool for maneuvering through reality. It is not reality. And because thought is basically dualistic in nature – good/bad, right/wrong – we have created so much heartache on this planet. It has fostered grief, dominance, violence, and heartache rather than care, cooperation, and connection. All you need to do is look at history to see the truth of this.
But evolution is a constantly changing process and the time of being caught in the kind of mind that creates so much division and heartache is coming to an end. All major shifts of evolution are always, always messy. The shift we are going through highlights this old kind of mind that sees itself separate from life and believes the good guys are right and the bad guys are wrong.
You can make a huge difference in this time of chaotic transformation, and it doesn’t come from declaring that your position is right and the other person’s position is wrong even though you may believe this with every fiber of your being. It comes from finding the old kind of mind inside of you and choosing not to follow it down the rabbit hole.
It is easy? No. We’ve all been caught in a good/bad, right/wrong mind for most of the time humanity has been around. But life is asking you to mature so you can use thought for the wonderful tool it is rather than getting caught in it. Every time you notice you are making your positioning right again, just remind yourself, “old mind!”
And if you can, go a step farther. Realize it is just fear that causes us to see through the lens of right and wrong in such radical ways but those people who think differently than you are still your fellow human beings and deserve respect and listening. I think we all know enough now that making another person wrong for their beliefs never changes their position. But listening, sincere listening can, drop by drop, soften positioning in both you and in the other.
There are no accidents as to who comes into your life and, as much as possible, see them as your kin. The more you see them through the lens of your wise and compassionate heart, the more humankind will begin to see that there is only one of us here. And as that continues to flood our collective consciousness, our world will be healed.
Coming soon is Mary’s newest online interactive course, Falling in Love with You. Be on the lookout for upcoming specials for the course, which begins again on Feb. 1st.
And please note that we are also running a special on the What’s in Your Way IS the Way self-paced, which begins as soon as you enroll. From now until December 15th, this life transforming course if available for $197 with coupon code: wiywsp4$197
What’s in the way, truly is the way! Godspeed always, Sky Ann
Yes, thank you! Be light~