
Being Home

There’s so much written about living in the now and if you listen carefully, you will see that it promises everything will be okay if you only do this right.

But there are two difficulties with that. The first is that you are always in the now and if you try to get into the now, you only stay caught in a trying mind. Your mind can never bring you to the now!

The other difficulty is that most people focus their attempts to live in the now outside of themselves. They rarely see that the now includes everything that is happening inside too – all the joys and sorrows, the pain and pleasure, the discomfort and ease, and the confusion and clarity.

When I discovered that I was always in the now and it was just my trying mind that kept me separate, I began to realize that the key to coming home to the living moment of your life is to see, with great curiosity and compassion, all the things that put a veil between you and being present for life.

This is what the challenges of our lives are tailor-made for. They bring up all the parts of ourselves that still struggle with life, wanting it to be different than what it is. When you ask, “Without changing anything, notice what is here,” it can train you to bring the healing light of your attention to your fears, your judgments, your sadness, your loneliness, and your shame. These are all just moving parts of the stories in your mind that keep you separate from life.

Become fascinated by the power of your attention to heal. All these parts of our story are just like you and me. When we are upset and somebody tells us we shouldn’t be that way or judge us for feeling what we are feeling or tries to fix us, we can get caught even deeper into the quicksand of struggle. But when somebody says, “I understand. Tell me more about what you are experiencing,” this creates a space for what was formally struggling to let go and pass right on through.

What I’m offering you is the truth that attention heals. When you learn how to bring accepting attention to all the struggles inside of you, slowly and surely the veil between you and the living moment of your life will lift and you will more and more know the joy of being home.

Coming soon is Mary’s newest online interactive course, Falling in Love with You. Be on the lookout for upcoming specials for the course, which begins again on Feb. 1st.

And please note that we are also running a special on the What’s in Your Way IS the Way self-paced, which begins as soon as you enroll. From now until December 15th, this life transforming course if available for $197 with coupon code: wiywsp4$197

  1. YES!

    “I understand. Tell me more about what you are experiencing.” Such a life-changing gift to give ourselves and others!!

    Thank you so much, Mary ❤️🙏

  2. Grateful blessings to you, Mary!

    “Early in the journey you wonder how long the journey will take and whether you will make it in this lifetime. Later you will see that where you are going is HERE and you will arrive NOW…so you stop asking.”
    ― Ram Dass, Be Here Now