
Healing Physical Pain

Pain doesn't need to be feared. Engage with it, you might just find it ease.

So many of us live with physical pain – backaches, hurting feet, itchy skin, frequent headaches, tooth troubles, upset stomachs, and just plain, good old aching muscles. What is our main approach to our pain? Fix it!! We go to doctors, physical therapists, and use pills, potions, and lotions, all in the hopes that it will go away. If you’re honest with yourself, management doesn’t usually do the trick. Pain often lingers or shows up in another part of our body.

But there is an exciting new science around pain. A very Reader’s Digest version of what has been discovered is that acute pain shows up in a very different part of our brain than chronic pain. And our very resistance to our pain causes these neural networks to keep on firing. (Think of phantom leg syndrome where, even if a person has lost a limb, they can still experience excruciating pain even though the limb is no longer there). Learning how to respond to our pain rather than reacting rewires our brain, calming down the pain.

This is exactly what we have been exploring with our mental and emotional pains. What you resist persists! When you learn how to give your mental and emotional pain the light of your accepting attention, it can lift like the morning dew is lifted by the sun.

The same is true for our physical pain. When you react to pain, your muscles literally tighten around it, bringing stress to an area that is already struggling. To go towards and soften around your pain calms the nerves that are agitated and brings in life-giving nutrients.

Now, I’m not saying you don’t need to go to doctors and physical therapists and take things to help calm your pain. But that is what I call management and management can only take you so far. What we are exploring is engagement, the willingness to actually go toward our pain rather than resisting and managing and discovering how to soften around it.

Stephen Levine lived off the grid for many years in New Mexico and had wood-burning stoves. He decided to do an experiment. At first, when he or his wife got burned loading the stove, they would send resistance and dislike into the blisters. Then for a time, when they got burned, they turned toward the pain, giving it the light of their accepting attention. Every single time, when they turned toward their pain, bathing it in the healing of care and compassion, the blisters healed faster.

If you’re interested in being educated about this new way of working with pain, the definitive book is The Way Out: A Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven Approach to Healing Chronic Pain by Alan Gordon. I learned a lot from reading that book but it was when I heard Ezra Klein interview Rachel Zoffness, a pain psychologist, that it all finally made sense. And I must admit, after having been in a head-on automobile accident in my 20s, I have okad to listen to this a number of times because it is such a radically new approach to pain.

Also, Stephen Levine is a master at working with pain, having walked through the dying process with thousands of people. On his website https://levinetalks.com/Shop, you will find a number of brilliantly guided meditations on working with pain that can be purchased as a download.

Pain, on all levels, has been a fierce teacher in my life. In some ways, it has been easier to give my attention to my mental and emotional pain than it is to physical pain. But slowly and surely my fear of my pain lessened, and my heart opened more to my immediate experience and my pain calmed down a lot. I also used this approach with my plantar fasciitis, and I am now happy to report that I am back walking for a half hour every day!

If you’re interested in transforming your relationship to physical pain, Alan, Rachel, and Stephen are skillful guides in showing you a whole new way to be with your pain, which will not only calm your pain but also transform your relationship to life itself!

  1. Wow, did I need this today. As someone who has never had any pain issues, I suddenly find myself in the “boat” with nerve pain. Will read the book, and remember all your teaching about pain and attention. All that’s been operating is my old Catholic “offer it up”, which is fine but not helping me get back to normal activities.

    1. Thank you for sharing. I’m very glad this spoke to you, then. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Thank you for posting this information; I will bookmark the links! I am working with non-resistance in general, and also with my health concerns. It helps a lot! In meditation too; I focus on sending healing to whatever need it. I think this is an outgrowth of self-compassion, and the belief in the mind, spirit, body connection. How wonderful you are healing and walking again! What we lead with, leads us! Godspeed always, Sky Ann