Love Heals
In my counseling room, I have a beautiful poster, made of a variety of colors saying,
Love is what we’re here for
Beside the poster is a picture frame with three of my favorite quotes:
- The supreme dignity available to humanity is to be the companion of God at the banquet of love. This is the most dazzling and optimistic vision of what human beings essentially are. ~Andrew Harvey
- The desire to make us over into love permeates the entire universe. ~Brian Swimme
- Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.” ~Teilhard De Chardin
Take a moment and allow in the possibility that Love is the force at the heart of life. Love is what holds the universe together. Brian Swimme calls it allurement, the aspect of love that keeps electrons dancing around the nucleus of an atom, brings atoms together to create molecules and molecules to come together to make cells. And ultimately it is the force that holds together the 70 trillion cells that make up your body – without a thought from you!!
The more you learn how to use your mind for the wonderful tool it is, rather than being lost in it and the more you are present for the living moment of life, the truth of Love becomes evident. It also becomes very clear that Love heals. It is a healing and soothing salve for your body, whether it is a burn on your arm or stage IV cancer. It also transforms your mind and emotions. Your fear, anxiety, regret, confusion, irritation, grief, shame, anger, loneliness, boredom, and doubt are all requesting the healing power of your heart.
Love is also what will heal our poor beleaguered world. Here are some excerpts from a letter Einstein wrote to his daughter, Lieserl. There is some debate about whether he is the author, but I think when you read it, you will get a sense that it doesn’t matter who wrote it, for woven throughout these excerpts is the truth that humanity is finally waking up to.
“There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation for. It is a force that includes and governs all others and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us. This universal force is LOVE. This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer. Each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released. When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, dear Lieserl, we will have affirmed that love is the quintessence of life. Love is the most powerful force in the universe, more powerful than fear, ignorance, war, and insecurity.
Take a moment and let these truths in. They are inviting you into a shift of perception, a shift where you see that behind the whole dance of life is the truth of Love. Or as Rumi said, “
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” In other words, beyond the small and limited world of our dualistic minds is the field of Love.
If you want to explore this further, I invite you to my free night link.
Also, you can listen to my radio show – The Banquet of Love on January 18th at 5:00 AM and 5:00 PM PST link here. After that, you can listen to it at any time by clicking this link.
Are you willing to hold the intention that you will be a point of loving awareness as you move throughout your day? Every moment you bring more heart into your life is a moment of healing for our planet. As the letter says, “If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer.”
TOMORROW: Are You Ready to Move Beyond Struggle? We will look at how to unhook from our reactions in life so we can respond instead, using our compulsions as our teachers. We will meet virtually on January 16th at 5:30pm PST. Even if you can’t make that time, you can still participate. Learn more or Register HERE.
Being Healed by Our Compulsions online self-paced course, is a good place to discover a new relationship with your compulsions, allowing them to show you how to move beyond not only your compulsion but also beyond struggling with life. And because our world is so enmeshed in struggle right now I want to offer you the course for a sliding scale from its regular price of $347 to $50. And if the $50 is beyond you, let us know. This will be available through January 31st. CLICK HERE to learn more about the course. Please email Aja at for your coupon code. CLICK HERE to see a masterclass video to get a sense of the course.
Thank you Mary! “All we need is Love, Love is all we need.” The Beatles Thanks for the reminder!
Don’t you love that song? Be light!
Thank you, Mary!
From Mahatma Gandhi:
“Love is the strongest force the world possesses.”
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
You’re welcome! Great Quote! Be light
Looking forward to meeting you for your free zoom call get together tomorrow, Tuesday, starting at 5:30 Pacific Time!
I’m glad to hear you are! Soon soon!
Who is the calligrapher?
I can’t remember off the top of my head. Let me see if I can find the name.
I’m afraid I don’t have that info anymore! I bought it a long time ago. Be light!
Thank you Mary. This started my day off with Peace in my heart. I am so grateful God sent you to me.
I’m glad to hear that. You’re welcome! Be light
So beautiful Mary! When I was a child, I had the thought in my head frequently, “Love is the Key”. Now more than ever I am seeing how true these words are. Thank you for your beautiful reminder.
That’s beautiful! It’s amazing how connected we are when we’re young. That’s is very true. Thank you for sharing that! And you’re welcome! Be light!