Riding the Waves
Life is such a variable process. And we are so happy when it shows up the way we want it to: we just graduated, the person we’ve been dating for a while says I love you, our student debt is wiped clean, a possible cancer diagnosis turns out to be nothing, we win the lottery.
But life opens and closes and on a seemingly okay day, the sink clogs and floods the bathroom, somebody judges you, a promising deal falls apart, you get caught in a traffic jam that none of the maps alerted you to, you overcook your dinner, you have a headache that won’t quit, you are on hold for forever.
Because life is a mix of dark and light (think of the yin/yang symbol) and we don’t understand the gifts that come with the challenges of our lives, we spend a lot of time trying to control life. This may give you the illusion that you can grab hold of the good stuff and get rid of the so-called bad but what it really does in the long run is cut you off from the only moment that matters, now!
We can learn the art of riding the waves of easy and difficult, joyous and sorrowful, holding the intention that we will show up for reality rather than always try to create a different one.
My mind doesn’t like the fact that I have cancer and have to take chemo every day and am now moving into my fourth month of shingles. But this is highlighting for me the difference between giving my struggling mind my attention or bringing it back right here, right now.
To pull your attention out of the clouds of struggle, which is the foundation of our everyday mind, there are a couple of things that you can add into your life that ground your attention right here in the only moment that matters in your whole life.
I have a little mantra I oftentimes use, “In this moment I am alive!” At some time, maybe in five minutes, maybe in 30 years I will no longer exist. On my way to the grocery store this morning this mantra was moving through my mind and heart and even though I didn’t feel so well, I was so grateful to be alive. And in the grocery store, my heart was open, realizing that all the people there, old and young, male and female were my brothers and sisters.
Another way I’ve heard it said is, “Today I am here.” Past and future are just ideas in our mind and the only moment that matters in your whole life is this moment.
A new mantra has come into my life, “What would this moment be like if everything was okay exactly as it is?” Of course, my mind may resist this because something may be happening it doesn’t like. But this mantra is an invitation out of the problem factory of your mind, into the space beyond struggle, into the spaciousness you truly are.
All of these allude to what Eckhart Tolle means when he says, “Always say ‘yes’ to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? What could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say ‘yes’ to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.”
If you are interested in playing with this, start with ordinary moments and small discomforts like stubbing your toe. As you develop your ability to pull yourself out of the world of struggle and bring it back here to this living moment, you will develop the capacity to say Yes! to whatever is showing up in your life! And, as Eckhart says, you will “see how your life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.”
If this blog interests you and want to explore more of my work, I invite you to listen to my upcoming radio show on Dreamvisions 7 Radio: Can We Trust the Chaos of Our Time? It will air on Thursday, August 1st at 5am and 5pm HERE. After the 1st, it will be available on demand, along with every other radio show I’ve ever done HERE. Please feel free to explore my catalog and listen to topics that call to you.
FREE Live Call:
If this post resonates with you, I invite you to join us for the next Free Live Call: Your Precious Life on August 20th from 5:30pm to 7:00pm PDT!
Life is such a precious gift and yet we live most of it caught in our heads, thinking about life, struggling with life. Join Mary in discovering how you can use your mind for the exquisite tool it is rather than being lost in it so you can know again now the pure joy of actually being present for your life.
If you can’t make it on the day, you can still participate by sending in your question, see the link for more details. I hope to see you there! Click HERE to learn more and register.
Wonderful, Mary…….Your words are so needed at this time!!!
Thank you. I’m glad to know they help. Be light!
Thank you, Mary, for this important post. Accepting and learning from each of our personal journeys is key to being in the moment, being here now as Ram Dass says.
“As you quiet your mind, you begin to see the nature of your own resistance more clearly, struggles, inner dialogues, the way in which you procrastinate and develop passive resistance against life. As you cultivate the witness, things change. You don’t have to change them. Things just change.” – Ram Dass
You’re welcome. Exactly! Great quote. Be light!
Thank you, Mary! Your words are a true balm to my soul. I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well and have shingles. I hope that resolves very soon.
You’re very welcome! I’m glad to hear that. It’s just life bringing me opportunities, but thank you! I hope so too. Be light!