
Hola Mi Amor

In this month of February when we traditionally celebrate love, I want to add a little different -twist on it. Years ago, I got an email from my niece Jody who was traveling the world, exploring the art of healing for herself and everyone she met. When she lived here in Seattle, she had a passing acquaintance with a woman called Manana whom she saw when she was out riding her bike. They had brief, but wonderful connections. Then when Jody went to live in Thailand, they began emailing one another.

Manana was raised in Nicaragua and a woman of the heart. Jody loved their connection but was also a bit uncomfortable with it at times because Manana was unconditional love, something Jody had not experienced in her family. One day Jody emailed Manana her discomfort and this is the email that she sent back to Jody. It begins with three of the most wonderful words a human being can say – Hola mi amor – hello, my love. It is one of the clearest and most healing emails I have ever read and the reason why I am sharing it with you all is that we all know the truth in this message, but we oh so easily forget it.

Hola mi amor

I am writing after three hundred and sixty-five days of getting your first e-mail. Why am I calling you ‘my love?’ Why am I saying that to a stranger? Well, it is very much part of my culture. Let’s say, if one goes to the market and walks by the lady selling tomatoes she will say, what do you want mi amor? One would reply, amor I want some tomatoes. Get me the ripe and juicy ones please.

This is not just business but the amor business. It makes life light and playful. There is a sense of trust and community from the get-go. No barriers. It is just talking about tomatoes and nothing heavy. So when the heavy stuff comes up, the hola mi amor is not only necessary but essential.

There is a sense of closeness, but more importantly it emphasizes the need to love and to be loved. It is right there. No need to test the animal in a lab. It is not science. It is a human need. It is all about celebrating the fact that we are going through a journey on this beautiful earth, and we are not meant to do it alone. The joy to connect with the amor exchange is imperative to have a healthy life. So, for us crazies from the jungle, we feed the heart at every opportunity, because the reservoir in it is huge and it can hold all the love in the world. Thank God for that!!!

Thank God for that, and for being able to hear the message in this email. When I have shared this message with my clients, I have added a little twist to it. The most important person we need to say these words to is ourselves. If we can’t be there with and for ourselves, we truly can’t be there for other people. So, the primary person we are meant to love on this planet is ourselves. And in some ways, it is the hardest thing to learn how to do. We are so good at ignoring ourselves, demanding that we be different than we are, and sometimes being downright mean.

So the invitation in this Valentine time is to be in the spirit of ‘Hola mi amor,’ not only with your friends, loved ones and even strangers (you don’t have to say it out loud – just let it sing in your heart), but also to include yourself in the feast of love. Look at yourself in the mirror and say ‘Hola mi amor!’ And if you can’t do that, then discover the part of you that is stopping that (I am fat, I am less than, I am selfish etc.) and say ‘Hola mi amor’ to that part.

May we fall in love with ourselves – with every part of ourselves – so we can be the heart in our world.

If this blog resonated with you and want to explore more of my work, I invite you to listen to my upcoming radio show on Dreamvisions 7 Radio: The Astonishing Light of Your Own Being, It will air on Thursday, February 13th at 5am and 5pm HERE. After the 13th, it will be available on demand, along with every other radio show I’ve ever done HERE. Please feel free to explore my catalog and listen to topics that call to you.


Free Live Call with Mary:

I’m excited to announce the details and share the link for the next Free Live Call: How To Be Empowered in this Time of Chaos! We will be meeting Tuesday, March 11th at 5:30 pm PST for an hour and a half. We will continue to meet every two months, so keep an eye out for future events!

Here is a snippet of what we will be talking about:

So many heartaches happening on our planet…. Wars, wildfires that consume whole cities, aggressive politicians, and all the while the earth is crying for help. How can we not get lost in reactions? How can we become a part of the healing that is at the heart of all of this chaos? Join Mary in discovering it is possible to, as Stephen Levine would say, “Keep your heart open in hell.” And it is possible to make a difference in this challenging time.

Don’t forget if you can’t make it on the day, you can still participate by sending your questions and enjoying the recording after the call at your convenience. I hope to see you there!

Click HERE to learn more and register!

  1. Hola mi amor. You continue to make such an important gift in my life by these beautiful messages.