
What’s In the Way IS the Way

FrontThis book invites you on the most important journey you will ever take: the journey back to yourself and to a trust-filled connection with Life. On this journey, you will discover how to weave every part of yourself into your own heart so that you can know the joy of being fully here for Life.

The book is filled with teachings, stories and exercises which will guide you every step of the way on this journey. It is a book to enjoy, to work with, and to keep by your favorite reading chair for times when you need to be reminded of its timeless truths.

With a Foreword by Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations With God

Neale says, “For anyone who is ready to use the challenges of their lives as doorways into the peace and joy they long for, I know of no one whose wisdom and advice offer more immediately useful help than Mary O’Malley.  I recommend her books and her counsel unreservedly.”

Jeff Foster says, “This is the most no-nonsense, grounded, accessible spirituality you will ever come across. Mary encourages us to stay very close to our embodied human experience, to touch even the wounded places in ourselves with kindness and love, to stop running away into stories and futures and become very, very curious about the place where we stand now. With our willingness to be present to even the most uncomfortable energies in ourselves, we can turn even the most difficult moment into something sacred. Then, true healing can happen. I love Mary’s teachings. They are simple and practical yet awesomely profound, and offer hope to those in even the darkest places.”

To read the Introduction, follow this link: Introduction

To order this book, please go to https://maryomalley.com/books

Price: $19.95