Through the Eyes of a Child
The Moody Blues kept me company on my journey of awakening, so much so that I put the lyrics to their song, The Balance, as the closing piece of my first book, Belonging to Life.
One of my favorite songs of theirs has been showing up inside of me lately, The Eyes of a Child. I used to sing this song from the depth of my heart for it said, “With the eyes of a child you must come out and see that your world’s spinning ’round and through life you will be a small part of a hope of a love that exists. In the eyes of a child, you will see!”
Jesus alluded to the same thing when he said, “What I’m about to tell you is true. You need to change and become like little children. If you don’t, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
What are they suggesting? To get the heart of it you need to understand that heaven is not a place. Heaven is the truth at the heart of life and exists right here, right now, no matter what is happening in your life. What they are both saying is that through the eyes of the child you can begin to see this truth; see the wonder and the newness that is revealing itself to us in every single moment of our lives.
In order to wake up to the astounding mystery and love at the heart of life, I invite you to spend time with Louis Schwartzberg. He is a filmmaker who, through slow motion and microscopic photography creates films that evoke wonder and awe as he invites us to wake up out of our deep slumber and be present for this amazing adventure called life.
We all knew this kind of connection with life when we were very young and then slowly, the clouds of struggle in our minds covered it over and we lost an intimacy with the joy, wonder, and gratitude that comes from being present for life exactly as it is.
If you are interested in reconnecting with the magic and mystery at the heart of life, I invite you to watch this beautiful short video to get a taste of what Louie offers.
If it touches you like it touched me, you can also watch his Moving Art series on Netflix. Season one is the one that most opens my eyes and my heart. Also, he has created Wings of Life, which you can see on Disney+, and if it doesn’t absolutely astound you, I will be amazed. His newest gift to life is Gratitude Revealed, which you can rent or purchase on his website, along with myriad other videos.
I am inviting you to allow Louis to lift the veils of forgetting so that you can see the sacredness of every moment and everything as you move throughout your day. And this isn’t only for your healing, it’s for the healing of our planet. Know that every moment you are fully here, you become a part of the healing of our planet.
Thank you for sharing Mary💖
Thank you for the appreciation. Be light!
Beautiful! Thank you, Mary, for sharing this.
You are so welcome. Be light!