
for exploring a revolutionary way to heal AND be healed by your compulsions

A New Way to Heal:

This interactive course is about discovering a new way of engaging with your compulsions rather than endlessly trying to manage them.

We can be compulsive about most anything – drugs, alcohol, overworking, cigarettes, pornography, worrying, screen time, biting our fingernails, self-judgment, or being overly busy. The statistics show that we have been ineffective in managing them and, if we control one, another usually takes its place.

This new way is about listening rather than controlling, opening rather than closing and relating to your compulsion rather than being lost in it.

Instead of seeing your compulsion as something that is wrong with you, you will discover that it is an ally on the journey back to a deep and trust-filled relationship with yourself and with your life.

Being Healed by Our Compulsions
Start Anytime

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  • The relief of no longer having to struggle with your compulsion.
  • The liberation that comes from understanding that your compulsion is not something that is wrong with you
  • The release that comes from understanding that you are not a failure for being unable to control it.
  • Rather than a problem to be solved, your compulsion becomes a guide back into ease and joy.

Sign up for free access to the Being Healed By Our Compulsions Masterclass Video

Get a sneak peak of what you will learn about Being Healed by Our Compulsions

The interactive course is for you if you want to:

  • move beyond the heartache of struggling with your compulsions.
  • change your relationship with them from enemy to ally.
  • know how your compulsion has served you in the past and how it can serve you now in a healing way.
  • discover how to turn toward yourself when you are challenged by life, rather than away into your compulsion.
  • feel the freedom that comes from this new way of connecting with your compulsion.
  • transform everything inside of you that is requesting the light of your compassionate attention.
  • have a nourishing relationship with yourself and your life.

What's Included

  • 8 weekly lessons with audio and video files
  • Multiple invitation options each week, so you can bring the course into your daily life
  • PDF handouts of all weekly lessons and invitations
  • Teachings on how to support yourself on your journey after the course
  • Lifetime access to the materials​ + exclusive Facebook group for support

What Past Course Participants Have to Say

  • "Struggling with anxiety I read Mary’s book The Gift of Our Compulsions, and it was a light at the end of a dark tunnel for me. It began a whole new way to be with my compulsion and my life. Mary’s work gets to the heart of the matter and brings a whole new perspective to addressing all the challenges of life with curiosity and compassion. If you would like to be kinder to yourself and learn to lean into life and trust it’s twists and turns, this course is for you. Our compulsions and our challenges truly can be doorways back to ourselves. Mary’s guidance has been a true gift."

    - Brenda Sorensen

  • "Working with Mary has helped me heal my relationship with food, recover from an eating disorder and see myself and the stories that my mind tells me more clearly. Mary’s wisdom, compassion and guidance are very valuable, and I will continue to attend her classes and work with her because they enhance my life. I highly recommend Mary’s work around compulsions and 'awakening.'"

    - Tricia Ritter

  • "The new approach that I have taken to my compulsions and fears have been truly uplifting. I no longer dread them when they arise because I would freeze and not know what to do even though I should know what to do. Now I approach them with lightheartedness by giving them names like you suggested and asking them about their world and their needs. When I asked my fear of rejection her name, she said it's "Imaginista" since she only lives in my imagination, and she's not real. Thank you for helping me to truly internalize this."

    - Julia

  • "After a lifetime of food compulsion and the struggle that comes with it, through Mary’s work I found a healing shift where I realize that our compulsions truly are a gift! I now live with the gentle joy of being present for life and free from the struggle with food. What she offers continues to support and nurture this healing shift in all areas of my life."

    - Virginia Howell

Being Healed by Our Compulsions
Start Anytime

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What you will learn:

Week 1: The Foundation of Our Healing Journey
We will explore the definition of compulsion and how they have served us in the past. We will then look at how we have been working with them and why this doesn’t bring the lastly healing we long for. We will then lay the foundation for a new relationship, one that cannot only heal our compulsions but heal us too.

Week 2: The New Way to be with Compulsions
We delve into the vicious circle of being compulsive – acting on our compulsions, attempting to control them, self-judgment and despair and then repeating the cycle. We will then look at a whole new way of being with them – a way that slowly moves you from management to engagement, so you can begin to comprehend the healing that your compulsions are offering you.

Week 3: The Joy of Curiosity
We will explore the difference between managing your compulsions and engaging with them. We then begin to develop one of the most powerful healing tools you will ever have – your curiosity. The power of human attention is beyond your wildest imaginations and we are only beginning to tap into it. Transformation happens as you discover how to be curious about what you are experiencing so you can respond rather than react.

Week 4: A Core Fuel for Your Compulsions
One of the core fuels of our compulsions is a deeply hidden belief we all carry – that we need to be better or different than what we are. Whether this belief is quietly corrosive or has grown to enormous proportions inside of you, it is possible to heal this misperception, so you no longer need your compulsions to numb you out from its heartache.

Week 5: Coming Home to Your Heart
As the Little Prince said, “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” (to our minds). All lasting healing happens in our hearts and we will explore not only how deeply we have put ourselves out of our own hearts, but also how to come home to its deep nourishment and wisdom.

Week 6: The Skills and Your Compulsion
We begin by investigating one of the most powerful skills for being healed by your compulsions – the skill of asking life for help. You cannot heal your compulsion all by yourself. If you learn how to ask life for help, it will support you every step of the way. We will then delve into how to use the skills we have explored – breath, embodiment, curiosity, the heart and asking life for help – to heal and be healed by your compulsion.

Week 7: Bringing It All Together
Through examples and stories, you will get a deep sense about how this revolutionary approach will feel and look like in your daily life. No matter what you are experiencing, you will know how to respond rather than react, moving beyond struggle into an alive, nourishing connection with yourself and with your life.

Week 8: Full Circle
We are not only exploring how you can heal your compulsions but also how your whole life can be healed. A powerful story will help you see this clearly and show you what true healing looks like as you allow your compulsions to heal you to your core.

Free access to the Being Healed By Our Compulsions
Masterclass Video

Sign up to get a taste of what the course has to offer!


  • When does the course start?
    As soon as you pay and enroll for the course, we will do something quickly on our end and you'll be ready to start.
  • How long is the course?
    The course is 8 weeks long, but when you enroll you get lifetime access to the course and materials.
  • How do I access the materials?
    The course and materials can be accessed in our learning platform. Details how to access this will be provided to you through email after you enroll.
  • How long will it take me to complete each week?
    The time commitment will vary weekly. We suggest prioritizing around two to three hours each week to consume the materials and to spend around 15 to 30 minutes each day practicing/working with the invitations
  • What is the refund policy?
    We back our course with a 100% money-back guarantee within the first two weeks. After that the refund will be prorated.

    Please email us in detail what did not work for you and why. We use this information to learn and make improvements to the course. Our team will be in touch with you directly about a refund.
  • I’m not good with computers, is accessing the content complicated?
    The learning platform is very user-friendly and simple to use. We don't anticipate students having any issues. If you do encounter issues or have questions, our team is here to help! Please contact devrah@maryomalley.com
  • Will I be able to track my progress through the course?
    The course platform is very user-friendly. After you’ve watched a video or opened a handout, you will get a green check mark next to that item. There is also an “Achievements & Progress” counter at the top of the page that tracks your progress as well.
  • For questions about the course:
    For questions about the course, please email awakenteam@maryomalley.com.