
We are finally waking up to the phenomenal power of self-compassion…

….for it is one of the most potent healing forces known to humankind. To fall in love with you exactly as you are, is where true and lasting healing happens, affects not only yourself, but also your friends, loved ones, and the world. This course explores how you became disconnected from your own heart and the pathway back to meeting yourself with compassion and kindness, so you can know the joy of being authentically you.

Falling In Love With You Self-paced

Sign Up Now

  • Being okay with being you. Knowing you are acceptable and lovable exactly as you are.
  • Learning that you don’t need to change yourself in order to be okay.
  • Meeting your pain so that it no longer takes over your life.
  • Rediscovering how to reconnect with the safety and joy of being fully alive.

Free access to the Falling In Love With You
Masterclass Video

Sign up to get a taste of what the course has to offer!

This course is for you if you want to:

  • know you are a unique expression of life, and we need you, just as you are!
  • recognize it’s ok to not be ok and it’s okay to be wrong. Both are simply part of being human
  • accept that you deserve to be warm, gentle and loving with yourself
  • access the courage that makes it safe to open your heart and be you – exactly as you are! 
  • bring more ease into your relationships
  • discover how to be compassionately real with yourself
  • transform all the parts of you that are requesting the healing of your compassionate attention, making the adventure of life easier and more enjoyable

What's Included

  • 8 weekly lessons with audio and video files
  • Multiple invitation options each week, so you can bring the course into your daily life
  • PDF handouts of all weekly lessons and invitations
  • Teachings on how to support yourself on your journey after the course
  • Lifetime access to the materials​

What Past Course Participants Have to Say

  • "Mary and her work has been a great blessing in my life. I finally learned how to love myself and how to come home to myself and my life. Even when I feel lost sometimes, I don’t feel entirely lost, because of the way Mary has shown me how to be with every aspect of being human. Mary’s work also changed the way I talk to people in my work as a clinical psychologist, and made me able to help people in a profound way."

    - Camilla Bruun

  • "Through the wisdom, love and grace in Mary's books and courses, I've developed an indelible channel to my own heart, and thus to such a deeper, more heart-centered connection with the others and the world. I've been on a spiritual path for so many years (decades!) with so many powerful teachers, but it wasn't until I found Mary that her work began to weave all those precious threads together. She teaches me so much, but most important for me is the understanding that every part of myself is lovable right NOW. Today I understand that loving all parts of myself, especially those wounded youngest aspects, right now, is the only way to find the peace, joy and true connection with others I've so long sought outside myself."

    - Audrey Mclaughlin

  • "Mary teaches how to access true freedom, peace and joy, no matter what you’re experiencing. And she does so by keeping it real — whether she’s sharing the challenges in her own life or guiding you through your own. I have never met anyone better at translating the deepest, most essential truths into everyday language and practice."

    - Janet Sturis

Falling In Love With You Self-paced

Sign Up Now

What you will learn:

Week 1: Our Deepest Longing
We will explore that in all our searching for love, the person that we most deeply long to receive love from is ourselves. Yet we rarely have access to our hearts and all the joy, wisdom, clarity, and love they embody. We will then look at the beliefs that keep us locked out of our own hearts.

Week 2: How Did We Get So Far Away
We will look at why we had to close our hearts, recognizing we were all wounded by life when we were young. In order to survive, we had to lock huge parts of ourselves out of our hearts, cutting us off from the authenticity and joy of simply being ourselves. We will then begin to discover how to use these wounds to heal ourselves from the inside out.

Week 3: Becoming Your Own Best Friend
We will start exploring the pathway of becoming your own best friend, being inspired by the research that shows self-compassion will transform your life. We will also look at how we can open the locked doors of our hearts.

Week 4: Our Mean Inner Critic
We will investigate the inner critic we all took on and discover how to avoid being seduced into its oftentimes subtle but sometimes cruel and debilitating world. We will then explore how to use forgiveness in a new and radical way so it can lighten your load.

Week 5: Our Addiction to Judgment
We will delve into the truth that we are addicted to judging others and we are the ones who pay the price! Step-by-step we will explore how to unhook from this addiction and how to take care of ourselves without judging others.

Week 6: The Magic of Mindfulness
Together we will discover the magic of mindfulness, the art of having your attention and your immediate experience come together. Rather than just thinking about our lives, we will use our attention to transform our struggles back into free-flowing aliveness and joy that is our birthright.

Week 7: Your Heart and The Hard Places
With great heart, we will look at how we have been trained to be with the most vulnerable and hurting parts of ourselves in truly unmerciful ways. We will then look at how we can give these disowned parts of ourselves the healing balm of our hearts so they can be set free.

Week 8: Healing the World
You are being gifted with this journey back to your heart, not only for yourself but for all beings who live on this beautiful planet we call home. As you transform your relationship with you, you become a healing presence in the world, touching everyone with the wisdom and nourishment of your heart.

Free access to the Falling In Love With You
Masterclass Video

Sign up to get a taste of what the course has to offer!


  • When does the course start?
    As soon as you pay and enroll for the course, we will do something quickly on our end and you'll be ready to start.
  • How long is the course?
    The course is intended as an 8 week course, but you can do it at your own pace. When you enroll you get lifetime access to the course and materials.
  • How do I access the materials?
    The course and materials can be accessed in our learning platform. Details how to access this will be provided to you through email after you enroll.
  • How long will it take me to complete each week?
    The time commitment will vary weekly. We suggest prioritizing around two to three hours each week to consume the materials and to spend around 15 to 30 minutes each day practicing/working with the invitations.
  • What is the refund policy?
    We back our course with a 100% money-back guarantee within the first two weeks. After that the refund will be prorated.

    Please email us in detail what did not work for you and why. We use this information to learn and make improvements to the course. Our team will be in touch with you directly about a refund.
  • I’m not good with computers, is accessing the content complicated?
    The learning platform is very user-friendly and simple to use. We don't anticipate students having any issues. If you do encounter issues or have questions, our team is here to help! Please contact devrah@maryomalley.com
  • Will I be able to track my progress through the course?
    The course platform is very user-friendly. After you’ve watched a video or opened a handout, you will get a green check mark next to that item. There is also an “Achievements & Progress” counter at the top of the page that tracks your progress as well.
  • For questions about the course:
    For questions about the course, please email awakenteam@maryomalley.com.