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“I consider Mary O’Malley to be one of the most extraordinary teachers of our time. No one is more adept at showing us how to turn life’s most difficult moments into life’s greatest gifts. Her deep compassion, uncommon awareness, and crystal clear insight make anything she writes a treasure.”
- Neale Donald Walsch
Author of Conversations With God
I have two of Mary’s books and have read each twice. They are so densely magnificent! You have collected and expressed such a wonderful set of teachings, synthesizing a lot of wisdom in easily digestible nuggets. I am deeply appreciative. Long may you teach and write!
- Natasha Suter
I'm writing to you from Québec, Canada, about your book What's in the way is the way. Thank you for having written this book. I read it with great interest and it really had an impact on me. The information in the book was not necessarily new, but the way it was presented was much more meaningful to me. I could say it spoke to me more directly, it was more "digestible". I could actually be the "observer" of the little voice in my head more than I usually do.
- Serge Lessard
Thank you for writing the book the Gift of our Compulsions. I never really knew how to heal and be curious and compassionate until I read your book. Your book was a real life changer for me. I know that compulsions can come and go, and I know what I should do, but I am not doing those things. I thought I had made a lot of progress with the healing progress, but now I am not so sure... I will try harder to see compulsions as my allies.
- Julia
Having completed the two on-line courses of Awakening this year it is time to express my gratitude for your teaching which has been life saving from overwhelming despair, fear and binging and this gives me hope that there´s even more life to be discovered that I'm as yet blind to.
After participating in your retreat in Denmark Sep. 2017 I worked with your book, and with the on-line courses this year the teaching eventually reached deep enough into my consciousness to actually be present when emotions threatened to wash me away.
From what you've shared from your life in the on-line courses I understand that this teaching rises from immense pain and suffering. While listening to it I had to pause your account of it finding myself sobbing. So it is with deep respect that I receive your teaching and I hope that I by and by might pass some of this life on to people around me.
- Emil
"This beautiful book is filled with heart wisdom. Mary O’Malley’s teachings are deep and profoundly transforming…they will guide you in letting go and trusting life."
Tara Brach, Ph.D.
Author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge
“Mary O’Malley awakens us again and again to the startling wonder of what lies beyond our workable hindrances, the liberation of our luminous nature.”
Stephen Levine, Author of Who Dies?, Meetings at the Edge, Healing Into Life and Death, and A Year to Live
"We all have a contribution to make to the evolution of peace and healing for our world and as so many great teachers have said, it needs to start with ourselves. Mary O’Malley offers a timeless teaching. Now, may we each live it to the best of our ability.”
Richard Moss, Author of The Mandala of Being and Inside-Out Healing
"Mary’s teaching is genius and rare. Simplicity, profundity and deep compassion Lorraine Hurleycombine to draw you into a crystal clear clarity that life is a privilege, gift and joy when we meet all of it with an open and loving heart."
Lorraine Hurley MD
“This is the most no-nonsense, grounded, accessible spirituality you will ever come across. They are simple and practical yet awesomely profound, and offer hope to those in even the darkest places. Her message is medicine for the world.”
Jeff Foster
Author of The Deepest Acceptance and Life Without a Center