
Imagine a life

You truly trusted yourself and your life – all of it

Your challenges, rather than being endless problems to be solved, became doorways into the healing you long for

You discovered that the peace you long for is always with you right here, right now

You woke up each morning with a zest for where the adventure is going to take you today

Choose a path below...

  • Free Call: Does Pain have to be so Painful?

    We all experience pain. And we all experience all levels of pain – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. But we are living in an exciting time where we are changing our relationship to pain. Join Mary in exploring how, rather than resisting the pains in your life, you can befriend them so that you receive the gifts that always come with them.
  • Spend Time With Mary

    Mary is a guide who offers insights born of experience and awareness. Through deep listening and presence, she opens others to their own clarity and wisdom. Click here to learn about the many ways to work with Mary, individually or in group settings.
  • Listen, Watch, & Read

    Gain immediate ​access to Mary’s inspiring depth of wisdom and teachings available through her radio show recordings, blogs, video messages, workshops, interviews, you tube, CDs and books.
“Mary’s work is a treasure of practical wisdom and profound insights, all pointing to one essential Truth: how to awaken into present-moment awareness and live in acceptance of what is. Thank you, Mary, for your contribution to the evolution of human consciousness.”

- Eckhart Tolle

Author of The Power of Now, Stillness Speaks, and A New Earth

Mary O’Malley is an author, teacher and counselor whose work awakens others to the joy of being fully alive. Her inspired and transformative approach to being with life no matter what is happening offers a way to replace fear, hopelessness and struggle with ease, wellbeing and joy.

Barely surviving her childhood, at 26 she found herself lost in a labyrinth of self-hatred, confusion, and despair, constantly trying to fix herself so that she would finally feel okay. Then a teacher showed her that fixing was an endless game that would never bring the peace she longed for. Instead, it was in being present for herself and all her struggles that she would be healed. Over the years this awakening continued to work in the depths of Mary’s being, setting her on the path to changing her whole relationship with the challenges in her life, freeing her from a life of struggle and opening her to the joy and the wonder of being fully awake to Life.

Since then, she has dedicated her life to helping others to heal by seeing the conditioning they took on that blocks them from life’s joy. Through her individual counseling and coaching, on line courses, books, classes, retreats, radio show, blog and ongoing groups, Mary invites people to experience the miracle of awakening.

She is committed to helping people heal their inner wars, so that they can become a part of the healing of our planet. Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations With God, says: “I consider Mary O’Malley to be one of the most extraordinary teachers of our time.”

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  • “Awakening is powerful medicine. A book to live with, learn from, and treasure.”

    Christiane Northrup, M.D., Author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause

  • “These teachings open you to mystery; they bring freedom, joy and ease.”

    Jack Kornfield, founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and author of A Path With Heart

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  • “Mary O’Malley’s book shares meaningful information and wisdom. Her guidance can make a significant difference in how we manage our journey through life.”

    BERNIE SIEGEL, MD author of Love, Medicine and Miracles

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