
Trusting Life

I hope this post finds your mind curious about whatever life is bringing you today.  Know that it is all for you!

I invite you to explore the art of trusting life by experiencing your soft belly.  When your belly is relaxed, you are open to life.

So often we tighten ourselves against life.  Our egos don’t trust that life will unfold in a way that is for our highest good.  But to trust is the healing we long for, and it is possible to truly trust.  In fact it is not only possible, it is the most powerful way for human beings to move through life.

Trust isn’t about always liking what is happening.  And it isn’t about just lying down in the road and letting life run you over.  Instead trust is full engagement with life as it is right now.

To trust life allows us to dance with it – passionately, lovingly and joyously; To trust life allows us to let go of all of the should’s, have-to’s, can’ts and wont’s so that we can connect with the newness of every moment; To trust life is to learn how to respond rather than react so our actions don’t add to our confusion and heartache, but they instead become a place of healing.  And to trust life allows us to tap into the great river of creativity that has been unfolding for millions of years, for everything that is authentically new and of lasting value comes from this ability to be fully engaged with life no matter what is going on.

May you watch your belly this week, and when it is tight, soften it and make contact with life as it is right now.  Hear a bird sing, taste your food, really see a loved ones face.  For your life, no matter what is happening, is for you.  May you show up for it!

Be light, Mary