
Opening to the Little Joys

I invite you this week to explore being present for the joys of life…the little things like the quality of light in your yard, or the sound of children playing; or the taste of a juicy piece of fruit.  As we work on dissolving the bubble of struggle through the light of our compassionate attention, it is good to remember the field, and holding the intention for opening to the little joys of life is one of the best ways to do this.

At the same time, I invite you to work with tightness. Any tightness, whether it is physical, emotional or mental, is a sign that you are in the bubble of struggle. When you notice it, simply let it go.

If it doesn’t let go, another option is to bring the breath to an area of your body that is tight (there will always be a physical tightening that accompanies mental and emotional tightening.) In the beginning, you gently touch it with your breath from the inside out. Then, if this tightness is willing, gently open it with your breath.

May you be curious about and responsive to any tightening, and may you be open to the little joys in your life throughout this week.