
When Life Doesn’t Bring Us What We Want

It is a great opportunity for us all to soften around life when it doesn’t bring us what we want. We are so used to making the unpleasant go away that we don’t realize how deeply this keeps us caught in struggle.

When something difficult comes along, to open to it doesn’t mean just grin and bear it. It means watching what it brings up inside of us and giving it space so it can flower and then pass away. Then we can respond rather than react.

All of these parts of our struggling selves will escape our hearts and occupy our minds again. But that to me is why we have challenges, so we can see all the parts of ourselves that are in need of our heart!!

And when we learn how to not run away from the unpleasant, we will then truly come to know that we can trust this process and we will discover that we ARE life.

This brings us back to the mantra, It’s okay, it’s all okay.

Be light, Mary