
Moving From Contraction to Opening

Most people live in struggle most of the time. It is the “doing” mind that is always trying to get away from what it doesn’t like and get to what it does. The difficulty with this is that it is endless….and it takes us away from what we really long for, a deep and trust filled connection with life.

We are all in a birthing process – the birth from contraction and disconnection to opening and connection. And as with all births, there are contractions. But we are learning how to ride the contractions and to gather the gifts that are always there.

So the invitation is to notice tightness when it comes, (in your body, mind or heart) and when you can, take a deep breath down into your belly, then with a long slow out breath, let go.

Be present for life, right here right now, and you will begin to notice that, although challenging situations do come up in our lives, problems only exist in our minds. Can you think of an example of this in your life?