
We Are All Lost in the Game of Struggle

We tumble from one thought to another all day long.  But we all have the ability to pull our attention out of our stories and bring it back into life in each moment.

To be lost in thought is to be lost in the game of struggle. This game of struggle is like a hand that slowly covers our face so that is all we notice. To bring our attention back to life is to re-enter again the flow of life.

Struggle has never brought us the peace we long for. Trying to get out of it just creates more struggle. The way out of struggle is through exploring it. That is where compulsions come in. Better than almost anything else in our lives, our compulsions show the ways in which we think struggling (resisting what is) and controlling (trying to change what is) will make our lives better.

So we are learning how to pay attention – how to be curious about what we are experiencing rather than struggling with it. We don’t learn how to do this overnight. It is a process. But it is the way to the peace that we long for.

I invite you to be curious about what you are experiencing this week. Rather than distracting yourself from what is going on, try turning towards it.

Be light, Mary

  1. It would be good to hear of more people who use this tuicnhqee because it really does work. This is a tuicnhqee you can call on at any time; you don’t need to make an appointment with a therapist; you don’t need to spend time with additional self help books. Just use the tuicnhqee!