
Working With Contraction

Life contracts and expands, and as we grow up we take on more and more contractions, cutting us off from the free-flowing aliveness that is life.

We don’t have to try to get back to being fully alive because we have never left it. We just think we have. The way back is to see, and touch with our compassionate awareness, the contractions that show up in our minds, bodies and hearts.

A woman I once worked with had been running away from her chronic pain and most especially the experience of fatigue for many years. I invited her into being present for that experience and welcoming it.

At first that seemed impossible, so we worked with the pain in her back, and as she could simply be with it, it let go of its grip.

She was then curious about doing it with the fatigue, and while it didn’t let go (the deeper patterns usually need a lot of loving attention before they let go), she recognized it and was able to tell this experience that she wanted to get to truly know it.

For awhile she still reacted when it came up, but she now has a pathway of going toward it so IT can let go through her loving attention.

Be light, Mary