
Treasures in Tragedy

There are treasures to be discovered in all of the deep challenges of life. This is even true of something so tragic as the shootings in Tucson this past week. What is emerging from that is a public recognition of how divisive we have become as a nation. Over our airways we are like immature adolescents partaking in the tyranny of ideological bullying. It took the near-assassination of a congresswoman and the death of 6 people including a 9 year-old girl to wake us up to the insanity of this.

Christina Green will always be one of my heroes, for her life is such a message of hope and trust. She was born on 9/11, written about in a book on hope, she loved politics, and in her death our country is being invited to stop the destructive game of political bullying. Was there any accident that she gave her life for this?