
Cairo – An Opportunity for Awakening

It could be easy to see what is happening in Cairo through the eyes of fear – instability in the Middle East, Muslim governments taking over, 2012 coming to pass. What would it be like instead to see this not as a time of breakdown but as a break through? All great evolutionary shifts have happened in crisis as the old is falling away and the new is being born.

What if, for just this moment, we trust that life knows what it is doing? (For goodness sake, it has been unfolding for billions of years figuring out how to bring forth stars, galaxies and DNA without us needing to be in charge!) To turn this all over to Life is to step out of the world of fear which fuels all of the great struggles on our planet and into the world of trust – trust in something much wiser and more powerful than us. And just like drops of water make up the oceans, a drop here and a drop there of human minds that are not run by fear adds to the ocean of awakening that is happening on our planet.