
Stay Present, Pay Attention, and Be with Others in the Moment

We have all had many feelings about the devastation caused by the earthquakes and tsunami in Japan.  We want to help, but we  feel so helpless.  I want to share with you a letter from a Japanese friend forwarded by Jack Blackburn that speaks so beautifully to how we can hold this situation in the most helpful way.

My dear friends,

I’m fine in Tokyo and my family is fine in Fukushima. Though my hometown is in Fukushima which was damaged by tsunami, my small village is closer to the Japan Sea.

I think many of you have seen those terrible photos and videos on TV, web and in newspapers for past two days, and they are all happening in my country.  Tokyo is o.k. now as we are getting normal transportation and lifelines back. Even though we can feel aftershocks quite often, it’s not so scary as it was yesterday.

But of course northeast Japan is completely devastated by earth quakes and tsunami, and we’re getting more and more tragic news.  I am very, very sad and feeling so sympathetic to those who are suffering, but on the other hand, I feel much better than yesterday as we have real information to be able to recognize what’s happening actually and what we can do from now on.

I do not want you to be emotional or overwhelmed. You can help us with support and encouragement there, where you are.  I think it’s very important for the people who are in safe area or other countries just stay being calm, stable and keep normal life with people around together with love and trust.  Not forgetting we are one and one is for all, it means people who are not directly involved in can give the peacefulness, gentleness, feeling of connection and deep, profound love to those who are in severe situations including the ones are passing away.

I would like to ask all of you to just bring some attention to those people in my country. Just think about their suffering and pray in a moment without becoming too empathetic or emotional.  Just pray for the best for them and some situations. This is the most helpful thing for us at this point, and this is the only thing I (we, the people in normal life) can do for others.

And I want you to be loving with the people around you, and feel love together.  That energy will be transferred to others. That feeling of appreciation will be others’ feeling, too.

We don’t need to listen to fear messages or no need to be involved in emotional attacks.  We just need to stay present and pay attention, just be with others in the moment.

Thank you very much for your reading. I do appreciate your concern and love every moment, as I can feel it that you are present with me.

Please take care and have beautiful time with each other, with laughter and smile.
