
Moving Beyond Fear

As I look around, I recognize that everything is appearing and disappearing and has been doing so for billions of years. And it is all orchestrated by an Intelligence that is mind boggling to recognize.

If we look closely, we see that this Intelligence is continuously weaving all of creation out of the forces of dark and light. Every atom has a positive and negative charge. Our world is made up of opposites – hot and cold, day and night, male and female. The Chinese yin and yang symbol speaks directly to this – the light nestled with the dark, with a pinprick of dark in the light, and a pinprick of light in the dark.

If we become spacious enough in our awareness to watch the dance of dark and light unfold before our eyes, we then have to ask ourselves, can something really healing come out of what happened in Japan? Rather than seeing it just as a disaster, can we open up our consciousness and hold that great healing can happen from this, not only for the people of Japan but also for the rest of us? It is important to remember that in the great myths, the treasure is always hidden in the most dark and difficult places.

When I look back on my life, I see that what I considered at the time to be the worst experiences brought hidden gifts with them that have slowly and surely unfolded in my life. And having worked with tens of thousands of people for over 25 years, I have observed the same in their lives.

We don’t always like what is going on, but when we trust life enough so that we can step back and watch it unfold, we see that one of the core gifts we are receiving is the invitation to live from a place that isn’t controlled by fear. In my world, all the wars, the collapsing economies and the natural disasters are an invitation to unhook from fear. This is not only possible, it is our destiny.

So I ask you, will you hold with me that humanity itself will grow in consciousness through all of the ‘disasters’ that are happening now? And that we will grow beyond our addiction to fear so that we can discover we are all in this together, on a very small planet, spinning through the vast oceans of space. And as we unhook from fear, trusting the process and recognizing our oneness with all beings, we will know the joy of being truly alive!