
Being Willing to Be Open and Listening

Our compulsions are taking care of something we haven’t yet learned how to take care of ourselves, AND they are our teachers. Every wave of compulsion has pieces of our puzzle right there within it. We don’t need to figure that out – we just need to be willing to be open and listen.

Open-ended questions are extremely healing. They don’t work like the quick fix of a diet.  They work over time, opening us step by step into the healing we truly long for.  Here are some questions, and the invitation is to have them be your talisman any time your compulsion starts to take over.

1. What are you protecting?

2. What are you taking care of?

3. What is asking to be seen? (when you are ready to turn your attention within..even for the split second of a question. This question is enough, but if it resonates with you, take a moment and sit with yourself. Be curious about what you are experiencing, even if all you can see is confusion, agitation, wanting.)

The core compulsion is to struggle (resist what is), and as we awaken, we have a tendency to struggle with struggle. Know that wherever you are is exactly where you need to be on the journey back to yourself.