
Grounding Ourselves

Little children live IN their bodies and their center of gravity is in their bellies. When we were very young, we did, too.   At some point, however, our experience was that life wasn’t safe. So we began to hold our breath and tighten our bellies, and eventually we retreated into the so called ‘safety’ of our minds.  Our center of gravity then moved into our heads making us like top-heavy trees, vulnerable to the winds of life.

To open to life again, it is important to re-awaken our true center of gravity in our bellies. The fear based mind then has a ground, a sanctuary that can support it in letting go of its fears in order to truly open to life again. Every time you breathe into your belly or touch your belly with love or soften it when it is tight, you wake up your own wellspring of knowing in your belly and take another step into rediscovering the safety of being open to life.

The invitation this week is to ground yourself in your belly in whatever way works for you.