
When Life Upsets You, It’s a Set-Up

There are only two kinds of experiences you are having at any given moment: Life is either inviting you into the wonder and the joy of being fully here for life or it is putting you in situations where you can see, love and let go of the spells you took on when you were very young.  The best way I have ever heard this described is by Michael Brown in his book, The Presence Process.  He goes straight to the point when he says, “When life upsets you, it is a set up.”  In other words, life is giving you the exact set of experiences you need in order to see the spells you took on that make up your cloud bank of struggle so they can be dispelled through the light of your full attention. The way I like to describe it is:

Life is set up

to bring up

what has been bound up

so it can open up

to be freed up

so you can show up

for life!

This is where life gets very interesting.

As you open into this level of consciousness where life is for you, you start to trust life again.  Rather than something you have to mold and shape into what you want it to be, you begin to show up for it exactly as it is.  Rather than tightening and turning away from your experience, which only thickens your cloud bank of struggle, you bring your attention to it. Every time you respond rather than react to what is going on inside of you, what was formerly bound up begins to loosen.