
What Would It Be Like…?

Imagine a day where everything was okay; not only okay but really okay. You may have just fallen in love; or you received something you have wanted for a long time; or you’re on vacation with no pressures, lying on a beach in deep contentment.  Allow the images of your okay day to fill you up. Go for the gusto – let that okayness in. Let it flood your mind, your body and your heart.

Now notice what you are experiencing as you use your imagination to open up to the joy of everything being okay. In your mind there is probably a sense that nothing needs to be any different than it is. In your body, there is an experience of deep relaxation that allows for the glow of joy. And your heart is open, spacious and light. Ahh.

What would it be like if you knew that everything was always okay? That doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be challenges. It just means that you wouldn’t turn them into problems so then you would be able to respond to them from a clear place. What would it be like to live from this open, relaxed, engaged and spacious place? Isn’t this what you deeply long for – to no longer struggle with Life and instead be available to the experience of Life as it is right here, right now? This is possible! In fact everything in your Life is a part of the journey into recognizing and living from a place that is beyond struggle.

~From my new book, What’s in the Way IS the Way, due out in October