
You Are Not Alone

Even though you may not recognize it, there is support that is always with you.  Oprah, in her farewell show, spoke directly to this. She used the word ‘God,’ but I like what Stephen Levine says, “I can use the word ‘God’ because I don’t have a clue about what that means, but there is nowhere I see it not.” Oprah said,

“I have felt the Presence of God my whole Life, even when I didn’t have a name for it. I could feel the voice bigger than myself speaking to me, and all of us have that same voice. Be still and know it. It’s always there speaking to you and waiting for you to hear it. In every move, every decision, I wait and I listen. I am still. I wait and listen for the guidance that is greater than my meager mind. So what I know is God is Love and God is Life, and your life is always speaking to you.”

Most of us, however, feel alone with no sense of inner support as we make our way down the path of our lives.  But even though we may feel alone, we aren’t. There truly is a Presence bigger than us that is speaking to us all of the time. To discover this truth is like two fish that jumped out of the water at the same time, and one said to the other, “Now I know what they mean by water!” The fish were so immersed in water their whole lives that they didn’t recognize it.  We are so immersed in the storytellers in our minds that we don’t see that loving support has always been with us.

From my new book due out November 15th, “What’s In the Way IS the Way”