
Light of the World

man-on-the-moon-04I invite you to come sit on the moon.  As you sit here, you see Earth floating in space before you, this beautiful blue green jewel of a planet that we call our home. Just like all of us, the Earth is a growing process. At one time, she was just whirling, swirling gas and fiery lava. In her evolution, she went through many different shifts as water and land were created.  Then the amazing creativity of life began to show up in a mind-boggling variety of expressions, all the way from insects and plants, to fish and birds and then mammals.

Now imagine the Earth before you as completely dark, representing the time that the earliest human beings were starting to populate the planet. In the beginning, we humans were not very conscious. We lived on the edge of survival in small tribes, fighting over our territories (many people still live in that mentality today!) and we didn’t radiate much light. Now imagine on this dark planet floating before you one light flickering in the darkness. This light represents a human being that knows who they truly are and is not hooked by the kind of mind that has created so many wars.

Now imagine another light and then another, twinkling on the dark face of the planet.  Even though the numbers of awake human beings are increasing before you, there are still vast pockets of darkness. Look at history and you will see the truth of this. We used to sacrifice people to appease the gods. We lived in a ‘power over’ mentality that has fostered war after war after war. And to this day there are people who believe if you don’t think as I do, I have the right to torture and even kill you, and the right to use innocent people as shields against the variables of war.

But there is also another movement happening on our planet.  It began many years ago, as human beings here and there became lit from within as their minds dropped into their hearts. And these human beings made a difference wherever they went because they lived and radiated the light of their true being – people like the Buddha, Lao Tsu, Ramana Maharshi, Jesus, Mohammed, Rumi, Hafiz, Meister Eckhart, St. Teresa of Avila, Eckhart Tolle and countless others, many whose names are unknown.

From your seat on the moon, see that the people these beings touch become lit up too, and begin to touch other beings, igniting their inner light.  Before your eyes more and more twinkling lights are showing up on the planet and coming together so that the gathering of many lights creates a glow that radiates out in all directions.  See the pockets of darkness starting to be touched by this light.

This is the first time in the unfolding of humanity that ordinary everyday people are waking up out of the darkness of the kind of mind that feels it is separate from others and separate from life. For more and more of us, our minds are dropping into our hearts. More and more of us are seeing through our stories of ‘them and us’ so that we can recognize that, not only ourselves, but each and every person is an integral part of the whole that we are.  If your mind questions that, ask yourself, “Which cell in my heart is not an essential part of its wholeness?”

I am inviting you into a radical shift of perception, the shift that finally recognizes we are one being.  When you see this, you can truly make a difference in the healing of the polarization that is happening all over the planet. Seeing through the addiction to struggle that has taken over your mind, you can meet life in your heart.

As you are connecting with your children, driving on the freeway to work, or visiting the grocery store or going to the theater, you can live from the knowing that we are one tribe.  We may have different skin colors, genders, religions, political beliefs and even opinions, but there is so much more that we have in common. Or as Eckhart Tolle says, “Prejudice of any kind implies that you are identified with the thinking mind. It means you don’t see the other human being anymore, but only your own concept of that human being. To reduce the aliveness of another human being to a concept is already a form of violence.”

Know that as you move through your life from your aware heart rather than your reactive mind, you become another one of those twinkling lights on the planet.  Or as it says in the Bible “You are the light of the world.”  Our world will be healed, one light at a time.  Your encounter with the grocery store clerk matters.  Your kindness to others who have different beliefs matters.  Your response rather than reaction to a traffic jam matters.  And most importantly, your kindness with yourself matters.  Are you willing to be a light for the world?