
Beyond Struggle

The reason why I have been sharing so much about kindness lately is that the healing we are ready for won’t come by changing the minds of people who seem to have the power. It comes from each one of us, for every single person is a thread in the tapestry of life and how you weave your thread makes a difference for the whole. Life needs the responsiveness of your heart rather than the reactiveness of your mind, for it is the human heart that will heal our planet. 

Another powerful thing that you can do to become a part of the healing of our planet is to discover how to unhook from your inclination to struggle with life. We all struggle—mostly little struggles—but sometimes very big ones.  Why is it so powerful to unhook from struggle? Because the struggles you see on the international stage are simply an out-picturing of the struggles we all carry. And a person who has become smarter than their struggling mind, rather than adding to the chaos, they become a healing presence in the world.  

What do we do with our compulsive urge to struggle? We struggle with it! In fact, your core compulsion is to struggle, and all the other compulsions are an attempt to numb out from the heartache of this way of living. We then get more caught in the quicksand of struggle when we believe we must control our compulsive urges, only to have them control us! And of course, this often brings us into a sometimes very loud, but often very quiet helplessness and despair.   

There is a way out of this vicious circle. And it’s all about creating a different kind of relationship with your compulsions (including struggle) for they are the best teachers in showing you that struggling with struggle doesn’t work! This new kind of relationship begins by understanding that you are not bad or wrong for being compulsive and you are not a failure for being unable to control them!  The statistics bear it out— how we been taught to be with our compulsions doesn’t work!    

What would happen if you began to realize there is another way to be with them, a way that not only heals them but heals you too? This new way is not about struggling with your compulsions. It is not trying to control them for as soon as you try to control them, they control you. It’s also not making them bad or wrong, for they are a finely crafted survival system whose foundation was created inside of you when you were very young.   

This new way is about learning how to turn your compulsion from something that needs to be controlled into the wise teacher that it really is.  As you learn how to listen, your compulsion will show you how you were conditioned to struggle and how to unhook from the heartache of the low-grade struggle, which you live in most of the time. In other words, you can learn how to turn your compulsion from an enemy to an ally on your journey back to a nourishing connection with yourself and with life.  

If this interests you, I would love for you to be a part of my new online course called Being Healed by Our Compulsions beginning on January 16, 2019. It is a radically new but very simple way not only to heal your compulsion but to also have your compulsions heal you.    

You can also listen to this free MasterClass Video. It is a short but powerful overview of this new way of not only healing your compulsion but also healing your main compulsion which is to struggle with life.  

If it isn’t time for you to be a part of the course, tuck in your heart the truth that your compulsions can become the wise and benevolent teachers that they truly are so you can begin to get a glimpse of what it would be like to actually be present for your life rather than always struggling with it.