
One Healing Poem!

Rumi, a 13 century Persian poet and mystic, speaks clearly of the awakening that is happening in many people’s minds and hearts. A short time ago we explored his most well-known poem, The Guesthouse, which speaks directly to the heart of what I offer to life – how to show up for life rather than always trying to make it better or different than what it is, for everything we long for is already here – right now!

There is another powerful poem he wrote that is far less known and even far less liked because most people have difficulty in understanding what he is pointing to. I would love to explore this poem with you because its message is at the heart of what it means to awaken out of struggle, back into an alive and trust filled connection with life:

The Friend who knows a lot more than you do …

will bring difficulties, and grief, and sickness, as medicine, as happiness……

as the essence of the moment when you’re beaten, when you hear Checkmate,

and can finally say I trust you to kill me.

He capitalizes the word Friend since it represents whatever that is, which animates life. Some people use the word God, Holy Spirit, Christ, but the word Friend evokes a deep truth that we oftentimes miss – that whatever gives us the gift of breath, is for us. Or as Rumi says, “who knows a lot more than you do.” This is what Eckhart Tolle is pointing to in his statement, “Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.”

Then Rumi says the Friend “will bring difficulties, and grief, and sickness, as medicine, as happiness.” How can that possibly be? How can the deep challenges of your life be a medicine that brings happiness? This points to a core truth in awakening – that your challenges are tailor-made to help you see how you are conditioned to struggle with life rather than be open to it. And the more you see your particular brand of struggle, the easier it is to unhook from it so that you can be present for the gifts that are always embedded in the challenges life is giving you.

When he talks about checkmate, he’s talking about surrender. To our conditioned mind surrender means defeat. But to who we really are, surrender means learning how to yield to the intelligence of life, bowing to its authority. Or as Eckhart Tolle says, “Always say ‘yes’ to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane then to create inner resistance to what already is? Surrender to what is. Say ‘yes’ to life – and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.”

And now we come to the last line, which is so deeply misunderstood. When he says, “I trust you to kill me.” He doesn’t mean that literally. He means, I trust that the Friend is putting me in the exact situations that will allow me to see and unhook from all the thoughts, feelings and perceptions that have kept me separate from an intimate and trust filled connection with life exactly as it is.

I leave you with a quote that came to me at the beginning of my awakening and it took me years to grow into the truth of it. It is now my guide through this wild and crazy journey called life and is woven through everything I share. Your mind may not agree with this. You may even get angry for the mind is deeply afraid of letting go of the illusion of control. But it is not your mind that knows this truth. It is your aware heart that trusts life. I am not asking you to believe this. Instead be willing to ask life to show you the truth in these words:

“Know and silently respect the perfection of everyone and everything in every situation, especially when it is not at all apparent.”

  1. Thank you for sharing these words of Wisdom that inspire me and bring me hope. I am grieving my husband (married 47 years) and asking myself what next?

  2. YES! I love this quote, and I have heard it before. Can you tell us who it is attributed to?

    Long ago at a retreat at the Hui Ho’olana in Molokai, HI, there was a lesson, and for me the lesson ended with two very large words written in my book, Trust Yourself. And from that day forward, these many years later, I have been on that personal path, to trust myself. I feel that by staying with my present, whether good, bad or ugly, I am finding my way to myself, to a higher love for myself, this life, and my Source and Creator. Godspeed always, Mary!

  3. Thank you, Mary, for sending us some Rumi! Always welcome! We love and respect our teachers, including you!

    Rumi often speaks to what you say in your own teaching, What is in the Way, Is the Way! I hope I can share a few of my favorite quotes to add to yours.

    Borrow the Beloved’s eyes. Look through them and you’ll see the Beloved’s face everywhere. No tiredness, no jaded boredom…things you have hated will become helpers. ~Jalaluddin Rumi

    Perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. 

    ~Rainer Maria Rilke 

    – Cultivating Awareness
    Don’t think.
    Don’t get lost in your thoughts.
    Your thoughts are a veil on the face of the Moon.
    That Moon is your heart,
    and those thoughts cover your heart.
    So let them go.
    Just let them fall into the water.

  4. Thank you so much, Mary. As always, it seems like you are in perfect sync with whatever is going on in my life. I like this Rumi poem—it really speaks to my situation now. Many blessings to you for all you do to help others.

  5. Thank you Mary! I deeply appreciate your consciousness and words. This is precisely what I needed to read this morning. Blessings to you and your work and life.

  6. At my core I know this to be true. Why would we ever seek more if life were going along perfectly well all the time? I love that you chose to use this poem. Last night I went for a walk at sunset. The sky was so amazingly beautiful and as I went to capture a picture of it, there was a yeild sign at the corner that I also captured. I was going to edit it out until I realized that this past week for me has been about yeilding to life. At the end of it I felt more alive than I have in a very long while. Part of that yeilding is to the news that a friend is very ill and another son of a friend had been shot and killed by his son. I don’t understand why these things are happening and I don’t have to know, only yield, believing something bigger is at work. How wonderful to be connected to the one who knows! Thank you, Mary!

    1. Thank you so much sharing your experience. It’s a wonderful way to walk through life, even the hard stuff.

  7. Thank you Mary. A thousand times, thank you. For every moment that I have been able to unhook and relax when things fall apart. And for the “ah-ha!” awareness when I get caught and react.

  8. Mary, this is wonderful. Thank you so much, as always. It reminds me to approach life with acceptance and compassion rather than with the need to change and to control. I’m wishing you well.