
You Are Not in Charge

Are you ready for another major shift of perception? I hope you’re sitting down when you read this because this is the shift our minds most resist – You are not in charge!

I know, your mind may tighten up around this truth but if you look closely, you will see that there is something much bigger and more intelligent than you in charge.

When your father’s sperm and your mother’s egg came together, did you orchestrate the absolutely miraculous unfolding as cells divided and divided and divided again, becoming your nervous system, your digestive system, your respiratory system, etc.?

Are you the one that keeps the 60 trillion cells you are made of working together in a unified whole and orchestrates the millions upon millions of actions that keep you alive?

Are you the one that brings spring forth out of winter as plants burst forth with buds, flowers, and leaves?

The kind of mind that most people live in most all the time will resist acknowledging what we are exploring here. Mickey Singer, the author of Untethered Soul, says it best – “The truth is that most of life will unfold in accordance with forces far outside your control, regardless of what your mind says about it.”

The scientist Thomas Edison also alludes to this truth when he said, “I know this world is ruled by Infinite Intelligence. It required Infinite Intelligence to create it and it requires Infinite Intelligence to keep it on course. Everything that surrounds us – everything that exists – proves that there are Infinite Laws behind it. There can be no denying this fact. It is mathematical in its precision.

When people first start hearing what we are exploring here, it can create a lot of fear because it is an invitation to show up for life exactly as it is. Or as Pema Chodron says, “Enlightenment is relaxing into life.” But the last time you were this open to life was when you were a little child and because you, like most people, were raised by unconscious giants called parents, you learned to hide from life.

But in all your longing, whether it’s for a soulmate, a skinnier body, more money, a puppy, or a newer car, what you really long for is to be open to the miraculous adventure that is life.

If this calls to you, it’s important to recognize that even though your mind may not agree, the intelligence at the heart of life, the intelligence that created the DNA molecule out of stardust, is with you every step of the way. As Stephen Levine so beautifully says, “Do not exclude anything from your perception of the perfection of things.” The more you reconnect with the living moment of your life the more you will see life is eminently trustable. It’s not always likable but whatever is showing up is for you!

Then cultivate little moments where you see that you are being breathed, you are being held, you are being cared for by the Sun, the rain, and the Earth. (Read over the last two blogs again.) As you pause, simply let life in, exactly as it is in this moment, allowing your life to open as a blossom opens to the world.

If this brings up fear, turn to these quotes. The first is by Mickey Singer “Life happens. You don’t make it happen. Leave it alone.” The second is by Byron Katie, “Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late.”

Every time you pull your attention out of the limited world of thought and bring it to life as it is, is a moment of healing and these kinds of moments accumulate. Of course, you won’t stay open. You will open and close just like heart valves, the tides and the seasons do. But you can learn not to be afraid of the closings, the times when you react, realizing that in every contraction there is something to learn. And you can learn how to not hold onto the openings even if it’s an opening you have longed for your whole life, for true peace comes in the ability to stay open to the easy and the difficult, the joyous and the sorrowful.

I leave you with one of my other favorite quotes by Asha Tyson:

“Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don’t think you’ve lost time. There is no short-cutting to life. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now.

Now lift your eyes from reading and receive your life exactly as it is. Know in your deepest being that this moment is your home.

  1. Thank you!! Each ‘lesson’ I learn from you keeps me in peace. You are truly Heaven Sent.

  2. Bless you, Mary, for this important and lovely post!
    It looks like being here with my life, with you, with all of you, is my home. I got here, and I am here! Thank you to all of the good spirits, good angels, good guidance home. Home is where the heart is, and my heart is this moment. With great gratitude and Godspeed always! Sky Ann

  3. Thank you for your inspiring words Mary. I am blessed to have many moments that you speak of.,but still find the challenging moments unsettling and difficult. I am happy to be a work in progress and not at the beginning anymore💖

    1. We are all works in progress. The trick is being kind to ourselves in the process. Be light!