
Living in Questions

What we are exploring here is the power of living in questions.  Check-in questions and Open-ended questions are both very powerful transformers in the challenges of our lives.  The essence of check-in questions is “What does this situation bring up inside of me?”  And the essence of open-ended questions is “What do I need to say, do or be that is for my (or ‘our’ or ‘all beings’) highest good.”

The first check-in question is, “In this moment, what am I experiencing?”  This question happens on two levels.  The first is an invitation to simply be present for life in this moment.  It invites us to really taste our food, experience our shower, take wonderful, nourishing breaths at stoplights and really hear another person.  The second level is about seeing what is going on inside of ourselves so that we can dissolve the reactive mind with the light of our compassionate attention.

Imagine as you were growing up having more and more sticky strings strung all over you until you could no longer see life.  All of these sticky strings (of anger, doubt, fear, confusion, judging, sadness, despair, etc.) make up the stories in our heads that keep us separate from life. The first way we use this first question simply parts the sticky strings and allows us to be here for LIFE!  The second way to use the question is to bring the light of our attention to all the sticky strings that engulf us.  The more we do this, the more they dissolve, leaving you simply here for life.

The invitation is to use the question on both levels this week.