
A Wake-Up Call

We have a choice about how we are going to respond to what is happening in the Gulf – from fear and reaction or trust and vision. To make this shift from reaction to response, we need to see that all great evolutionary shifts have happened in the midst of chaos, as the old way is dying and a new is being born. This has occurred countless times on our planet, and right now you and I are living in the middle of one. In fact we are the evolutionary shift. The shift is happening inside of us. We are being moved out of an old way of perceiving that says controlling and struggling with life will bring us the safety we long for.

The old way of perceiving does not recognize the sacredness of our planet and it believes that getting ‘more’ (whether it is money, food, sex, success, etc.) will bring the peace it promises.This old paradigm also believes in ‘them’ and ‘us’. ‘We’ are doing it right and ‘they’ are doing it wrong. We have a choice whether to resist or to allow ourselves to be moved into a new way of seeing.

We are ready for a new consciousness – one that does not divide but that unites instead. It bows in wonder to the awesome mystery of this living moment and realizes that recognizing the sacredness of everything (including oil spills) transforms all that we touch. It also sees that this moment in which you are reading this newsletter is enough. In fact, nothing you can try to add to your life will be more satisfying than true connection with right now. It also recognizes that there is no ‘them’ and ‘us’. We are all in this together, floating on a tiny blue green jewel through vast oceans of space.

This is a call to a level of consciousness that sees the intelligent oneness of everything.  Can you allow it to wake you up out of fear and into trust, into the knowing that life knows what it is doing?  Can you allow the place beyond ‘them’ and ‘us’ to wake up inside of you and realize that we are just characters in this theater of awakening that is life?

So I invite you to notice when you go into fear. That is old paradigm. Yes, I know, it feels like the earth is bleeding in the Gulf coast, and she is.  Yes, what is happening in the Gulf is devastating but it is also our wake-up call.

The Dali Lama was asked if he thought humanity was getting better or worse, and he said absolutely better.  He cited the fact that even 50 years ago if there was a major disaster somewhere in the world, basically the people in that region dealt with it.  Now the whole world responds.  Can you see our shared heart in the response to the Tsunami in Thailand and the earthquake in Haiti?  Can you imagine a response of the heart to the oil spill?  THAT is the evolutionary shift.  It doesn’t mean that things don’t need to be done.  We all, whether we are a person, a company, or a government need to learn from our mistakes (mis-takes).  But let us leave the fear and blame out of it.  Let us move into the new level of consciousness that works with what is unfolding in our lives rather than resisting or blaming.  For whether we see it or not, Life is in charge, and we are part of its unfolding.