
Touching Others and Ourselves with Our Hearts

Most of us have read about the Casey Anthony murder case and have probably formed judgments about her and what she is accused of doing. I invite you now to not put Casey Anthony out of your heart. There is so much anger being sent her way by people who are really judging their own shadow. We have all lied. We have all done things that we have felt at times to be unforgivable. So when somebody reminds us of our unforgivable parts, we judge them because we have not yet been able to touch our own disowned parts with our hearts.

How can we touch her with our heart (and thus take a huge step in forgiving ourselves too)? First of all, we need to remember that Casey was once an innocent baby. In the course of her growing up, things must have occurred that taught her to take care of herself by lying. Could all of this have happened because there were truths she was afraid to tell? Can you not judge her for hiding behind a web of lies?

We may never know what really happened, but what we do know is that Casey is a lost soul, and we can make a difference in her life and in our own by not putting her out of our hearts.