
Let Life In!

We are always doing, doing, doing, trying to be to someplace better; trying to get away from the things we don’t like and get to the so-called good stuff.  In this struggling with life, we try so hard that at the end of the day we must distract ourselves with TV, food, alcohol, drugs, etc., trying to numb the heartache that comes from rarely being fully here for life.

You may notice that even with all the messages you hear about living in the now, you still find yourself thinking about life, trying to control, fix and understand it, but this just keeps you caught in your head, unavailable for the moment that life appears out of mystery.

Why, with all the messages you are receiving about the now, are you rarely here? Usually it is because your mind is trying to live in the now.  It becomes another task to do.

Rather than putting it on your to-do list, pause for a moment.  Lift your eyes from what you are reading and let your life in.  THIS IS IT!  This is the only moment that matters in your whole life!

Then watch the mind take over again. Don’t believe your mind when it says that just a few moments of being here don’t matter.  They do!  Humanity has been living in the struggles of the mind for a long, long time.  (Just look at history if you doubt that) and a few moments of directly experiencing life make a huge difference.

Know that the river of life has been unfolding for billions of years and It will continue long after you have departed. You have been given the extraordinary gift of life, so you can discover how to fully experience this amazing, magical, astounding, creative unfolding.  In the vastness of all time, you are being invited to be present for this slice of life.

As you tune into the unfolding more and more, you begin to dance with life rather than always trying to make it better or different than what it is.   And, even with all its pain, loss and death, life is the dance partner that you have been deeply longing for!

Today I invite you to relax into the unfolding.  You are safe.  You can rest in the flow.

  1. Love this. Mary, you are so right! Thanks for the reminder to just look around.

  2. Yes! Thank you, Mary! It is all a great gift, unfolding for and as each one of us. All we have to do is unwrap this great gift of life! Going with the flow of this life’s greatest grace, my life. Godspeed always,

  3. This brings to mind John O’Donoghue’s unfinished poem: “I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.”