
Being Judged

What feelings does Amanda Knox’s conviction, appeal and acquittal bring up in you?

We have all been accused of things, some that we did and some that we did not do.  If we were guilty, may we feel what that was like for us, both at the time and in review.  Perhaps we feel regret of perhaps we feel our actions or words were justified.  If we were innocent, may we feel the suffering of being unjustly accused and the grief if we weren’t exonerated – or the relief if we were.

It is human to be angry when we feel we or others have been unjustly accused, but it doesn’t serve us to hold onto it or to act on it.  It is important to remember that everything that has happened in our lives has led to this moment.  Who are you in this moment?  Are you the sum of all that has happened to you, or are you the one who has experienced and learned from those things?

May we remember who we truly are, and may we forgive those who have judged us and forgive ourselves for having judged others.