
Being With Discomfort

For the past 2 months I have been dealing with intestinal discomfort, and the other day while working on my new book, What’s In the Way Is the Way, the thought came to me that we can trust life to bring us situations that will bring up what has been bound up so it can be freed up!

What sparked this thought was that I awoke in the middle of the night with cramps and nausea to which my response was, “This is too much!”  But then Awareness kicked in and I had the thought, “I can choose to be with this discomfort instead of resisting it.”  So I lay back down and totally, completely accepted the discomfort, and lo and behold, it gradually dissolved into a field of bliss!

We really can trust that life is for us and that everything that shows up in our lives, especially the difficult and unpleasant things, bring with them the opportunity to open into the joy and freedom that is our true nature – not once and for all, but once, and then again the next time we remember, and then again the next time we remember until we groove a pathway of remembering and accepting.

I encourage you to try this during the week and share with us your experience.