
A New Way for the New Year

Compulsions promise so much but often leave devastation in their wake. You can make a fool of yourself when you drink too much, or your pants get tighter because you ate too much, or you become snappy and frustrated because you did too much.

Then in January most of us make the resolve to stop the behaviors, which are causing difficulties in our lives, only to go back to them a few weeks or a few months later. Then we most likely feel the cruelty of self-judgment and a quiet sense of despair.

There is another way to deal with compulsions, a way that not only heals them but also heals you too. This way isn’t about trying to control your compulsions because we’ve seen in the long run, it doesn’t work. Instead, it’s about engaging rather than always trying to manage them. It’s about learning how to listen and discovering your compulsions are wise teachers and allies on the journey back to a trust-filled connection with yourself and with life.

I know that seems impossible and for many years that was true for me. I can feel the self-hate and the despair that was present in all those years where I was extremely compulsive, trying to control my compulsions, only to have them control me. I felt such a failure. At times it seemed impossible that I would ever get free from my compulsions and the struggles that fueled them.

But over the years, I learned how not to struggle with my compulsions. Instead, I learned how to be curious about how what was happening when I was compulsive.  The more curious I became, the thoughts and feelings, which were fueling my compulsions, along with my compulsions, began to lose their power over me. I didn’t need to stop my compulsions.  They just gradually let go on their own.

I have written books, created CDs, recorded radio shows and offered classes in order to get this healing message out into the world. This message is so much more than just healing our compulsions.  It’s about healing our core compulsion, which is struggling with life.

I have spent six exhilarating months putting all of this in an online course that will be launched in January. I want you to know it all comes from my own experience of healing and being healed by my compulsions.  It also comes from many people down through the years who I’ve shown how to bring this new way into their lives and they are so grateful for it.

The reason why I am so passionate about this course is that as you heal your compulsions and the struggles that fuel them, you will become a healing presence in the world. And the world needs you!

Also, it is a very nourishing thing to be a part of a group of people who are brailling their way out of compulsions, back into and alive and intimate connection with life.

So if you’re interested please CLICK HERE and join us.  If it doesn’t call to you at this time, here is a link CLICK HERE to my radio show about compulsions.