
Future Fears

“No! Not another surgery,” yelled my mind. I was driving home from an appointment with a surgeon who had recommended hip replacement surgery. But I just had spine surgery in February, and it was a very intense and painful process. I didn’t expect such a high level of pain as my first spine surgery in 2014 was easy peasy. I took only two pain pills and was back to work very quickly. But I was on pain pills for over a month with this latest spine surgery for they deeply bruised my nerves while trying to get a cyst out of my spinal column. So, it didn’t surprise me that my mind was upset about this new surgery.

One of my favorite quotes from Stephen Levine is, “We leave ourselves when we most need ourselves.” My mind started creating all sorts of stories about what this surgery was going to be like. My mind would go back to the intense pain of the last surgery and then hurl itself into the future, creating scary and upsetting scenarios about the new surgery. In other words, I had completely left myself when I really needed myself for I was caught exclusively in my mind, a mind that was afraid and upset.

Most of the time I have space around the stories in my head and can enfold them in my heart. But in this instance my mind was like a raging windstorm and my heart like a dry and dusty desert. It wasn’t just the pain it was upset about. It was also the limitations that go along with surgery, coupled with feeling like sh*t for a long time!

Partway on the drive home, I was able to see that my mind was taking the past and laying it over the future, generating a lot of fear. Coupled with some long slow out breaths, I simply began to acknowledge what my mind was doing by saying future. This allowed me to step out of the whirlwind, so I could relate to what my mind was talking about rather than being lost in its world. Being present for what I was experiencing, the stories began to calm down.

Our minds are wonderful tools for maneuvering through reality but when we are caught in our minds, like most people are most the time, we suffer a lot. Freedom comes when we learn how to use our minds rather than being lost in them. How do we do that? By first becoming curious about the stories your mind is generating, like I did on my drive home. The more you can do this, the more you can see they are just stories, which most have very little grounding in reality. Or, as Samuel Clemens, the author of Mark Twain once said, “I have lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.”

But coupled with my mind’s resistance to another surgery, along with the intense pain I had been living with, which disturbs my sleep, my mind needed more than being seen…….

It needed my heart.

All true lasting healing happens in our hearts, and what we are just beginning to see is that our minds want the same thing we want. They want to be acknowledged, respected and heard.  And they want to be touched with compassion, kindness and understanding.

After getting a little space from my mind by saying future, I could begin to see how scared it was, and my heart began to open. I said to my mind, “Of course you’re scared but your stories about the future surgery are just stories. We don’t know what is going to happen with this surgery and the most important thing we can do right now is ground right here.”

My surgery is this Wednesday, August 14th. Of course, my mind is still unsettled about this major happening that is coming very soon. But simply saying future allows me to unhook from its world and then saying, “I see you,” to whatever story my mind is running, allows it to calm down.

The strange and wondrous thing is that these deep fears have grounded me more in this moment, the only moment that matters. As I am washing the dishes and my mind goes into the future about the surgery and I say future, then all that is happening is just the washing of dishes. As I am brushing my teeth, waiting at a stoplight, showering, listening to someone, watering the garden, the stories of fear wake me up out of being caught in my mind and then all that is happening is life!

I’ve been awakening long enough to know now that the more I am here now, the more I will be here in the day before the surgery, the morning of the surgery and during the intense weeks of healing. The more I’m here, the more I won’t need to leave myself when the going gets rough.

So be willing to spend today simply recognizing your mind telling you stories about the past and about the future.  And when you catch this (and you may only catch this once all day long for the mind’s stories are so very seductive), simply say past if the stories are about the past and future if they are about the future.

The more you do this, the more it will allow you to recognize that who you really are is that which can see the stories in your head, rather than the stories themselves. And that is freedom!!

If this calls to you, we invite you to become a part of Mary’s interactive online course, What’s in Your Way is the Way beginning on September 25th. The price is marked down $100 until Sept. 16th. For more information about the course, Click Here

  1. So validating, I am also planning hip replacement surgery and have been in stories, yet I’ve spoken to so many people who have had great results with hips and it felt like deep guidance, so I am going for it and will have to love myself even more….

    Thank you for your work, it has been deeply healing for me

  2. Thank you for sharing this and sending love for you today (now) and for your surgery (future)!
    And peace xxx

  3. Wonderful Mary 💜
    Sending forth wishes & blessings for a healthy speedy recovery!
    May you transcend the stories in your mind & remain in the comfy home of your heart.
    Knowing that we, your loving readers, are along side of you in your recovery 💜
    Big Wrap-around Hugs, Marsha

  4. Wonderful tools Mary. Thank u.
    Naming the thing- the thought- Future or Past – is really a simple way to press pause- suspend myself in the moment, in my new awareness & then bring my focus to be grounded in the present.
    Love that we can then “see” the story rather than “emotionally fuel” the story.
    I hold you in my heart & affirm the highest good for all involved in ur surgery Wed – 🦋

  5. Mary Thank You for being real ! I have had a Anterior Approach hip replacement . And . This surgery is not as difficult as your spine surgery was 😊 I will keep you tenderly in my thoughts 💕
    Maxine. Reidel

  6. A hug and a prayer for you through your surgical procedure and healing process. Thank God for all the tools you have learned to incorporate through the years . Trust and love yourself through this Mary and thank you for sharing your tools with us❤️ God bless and give you peace through these next weeks.
    Hug from Linda

  7. Dearest Mary

    Wishing you a speedy recovery from your hip surgery. I have a friend who has two successful ones. If you would like to talk with her let me know. It seems that a good physical
    therapist is vital to recovery. Love and thank you again for the very important reminder to not leave our Selves. We are the Ones we
    have been seeking because We All are the Goddess!
    Hugs, Fanta

  8. Just what I so needed to hear today. I’m so afraid of the future with my mentally ill child based on what happened in the past. This released me, I so love your voice in my life, brings me back to my life.

  9. Blessings and prayers for you, Mary, on your surgery day. May the outcome lead to better health and blessings.

    Recently, I realized, again, that I need to make a sign for myself: Don’t Panic!

    Staying put in the present is the only hope for truly solving problems, or finding alternatives. Not the time to leave! So, thank you for this good reminder that the past is past, and future is unknown. Be here now, no matter what.

  10. Dear Mary
    i am sending you huge unfathomable hugs and intention that you have the magnificent strength and power to sail through this next lesson. You have been a loving guidepost for me and I return the gift to you! With love and knowing all is well.

  11. Thank you Mary for today’s message. Those two words, Past and Future, are going to be a large part of my day today. Such a beautiful and simple way to be aware.

  12. Mary, I always get so much from your writings.
    I will be thinking of you tomorrow, sending you thoughts of healing, peace, and a speedy recovery❤️

  13. Thank you for this timely piece – I have surgery on Aug 15. Sending you love and healing blessings, Mary, for tomorrow, and thanks for the gift of your work.


  14. Thank you for sharing your helpful insights. I had hip replacement surgery this year (after having had both of my hips replaced 25 years ago.) I had a lot of fear beforehand but that fear was much worse than the reality. I hope that your recovery goes as easily as possible. Wishing you healing.

  15. Thinking of you Mary! I wish you all the best and good luck with your surgery. Thanks for all your help and support. You make my life so much better because you are in it. Love, Jan

    Also know as the tricked out grandmother and her dog (if you remember from your last surgery and the get well letter I e-mailed you. From now on I will call myself Jamie’s Trick Mom. (that is my dog’s name) and you will know because no mother would ever in their right mind would ever give their child a name like that! Hugs!

  16. Dear Mary, Thank you for sharing this–an inspiring reminder of powerful tools that help us to deal with life’s challenging developments. I so appreciate your courage and insight in applying these tools and also in sharing your process and experience openly as it is this that makes these tools more accessible to all of us who want to apply them to our own lives. Best wishes for a speedy and comfortable recovery.