
Healing Through a Powerful Shift of Perception

I just recorded one of the most important radio shows I feel I have ever done. It is called The Healing You were Born For and it’s about the shift of perception that is happening inside of so many human beings, a way to be with life that includes rather than excludes, that listens rather than trying to control, that unites rather than divides and will change the trajectory of life on this planet. The show will be broadcast on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network at 8 AM and 8 PM EST this Thursday, 6 February. After that it will go into the previous shows that you can download and listen to whenever you want.

To get a glimpse of what this show is all about, I want to share with you one of my favorite scenes from a movie called Powder:

Jeremy is an albino who has been severely rejected by society. But in his isolation, he has connected to his heart and to the possibilities for true humanity. In one part of the movie, he is sitting in a park with a friend of his who recognizes his wisdom and his sensitivity.

She asks him, “What are people like on the inside?”

He replies, “Inside of most people there’s a feeling of being separate, separated from everything. And they’re not. They are a part of absolutely everyone and everything.”

“Everything?” she responds. “I am a part of this tree? You are telling me I am a part of some fisherman in Italy and some ocean that I’ve never even heard of and some guy sitting on death row? I am a part of him, too?”

“You don’t believe me?” he queries.

“It’s hard to believe that…all of that,” she answers.

Pointing to her forehead he says, “It’s because you have this spot you can’t see past. My Grams and Gramps had it—the spot where they were taught they were disconnected from everything.”

“So that’s what they would see if they could, that they’re connected?” she asks.

He looks at her with that deep knowing and then says, “…and how beautiful they really are; and that there’s no need to hide and lie; and that it’s possible to talk with someone without any lies, with no sarcasm, no deceptions, no exaggerations or any of the things that people use to confuse the truth.”

“I don’t know a single person who does that,” she says.

But I do and so do you. More and more people I meet are beginning to live from the inclusion of the heart mind rather than the struggle of the head mind. This new perception knows that our challenges haven’t gotten so complex on our planet because we’ve done something wrong or because life is out to get us. The very complexity of the crises on our planet is a gift, forcing us out of old ways of reacting and into new ways of responding. The new way says, pay attention; trust and work with what is rather than always trying to change it and bring whatever you are experiencing into the inclusion of your heart.

Every person who has opened their eyes and their heart can see clearly that we are all in this together, living on a tiny jewel of a planet, which is dancing through oceans of space. These are the people who hold transformation in their hearts. Rather than seeing people who are different than they are as ‘other’, being threatened by their politics, or skin color, or religion, or traditions, or gender or sexual orientation, they see that right underneath the surface, all of us are much more connected than the disconnection we see on the news. We all have been wounded by life, we all have a secret belief that we are not enough; we are all searching for happiness and we all feel a deep grief we rarely allow ourselves to acknowledge, the grief of thinking ourselves as being separate from life.

May you allow your heart to open more and more to you. May you know the truth of what Jeremy said, “how beautiful you really are; and that there’s no need to hide and lie,” so you can become a part of this connection that can heal our planet.

  1. What a wonderful to post to begin my Monday with. Thank you Mary! I try and practice being “one” with the students that ride on my school bus. Actually looking (seeing) them as they board and sometimes reminding all that “we all live in a yellow submarine” it can shift the mood (even with the middle schoolers!)

  2. From Gratefulness.org Daily Word for Today:

    “Ring the bell that still can ring. Forget the perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” ~ Leonard Cohen

    This is not always easy to do. We would rather not feel the pain; we would rather hide from it. But in the seeing is the feeling, and in the feeling is the hope for faith in the preciousness of life. This is our history and our evolution. And each time we get there, even for a moment, we can sing in our hearts another great Leonard Cohen song, “Hallelujah.”

    Blessings to you Mary, for this reminder that hope lives in us if we are brave enough to look at whatever hides it. As you so wisely say, “What is in the way is the way.” Godspeed always.