
Medicine for the World

When Jeff Foster, spiritual teacher and author of The Deepest Acceptance, endorsed my book, What’s in the Way IS the Way, he said, “This work is medicine for the world.”

What did he mean by that?  I want to begin by sharing with you the first couple of paragraphs from the Introduction of What’s In the Way IS the Way:

I am inviting you on the most important journey you will ever take: the journey back to a heartfelt connection with yourself and a trust-filled connection with your life. This journey will show you that there is a sense of well-being with you always, no matter what is happening in your life.

If you are like most people, you have only sporadic glimpses of the well-being that is your birthright.  This may be because you, like most everyone else, have a deep belief inside of you that says you are not enough. You have also been conditioned to believe that if you just fix yourself or your life, you will be enough and thus know the peace you long for. So you have become an ongoing project, believing that if you just get yourself and your life to be a particular way, then you will be happy. This causes you to struggle with your compulsions, your finances, your relationships, and your health.  Rather than peace and joy, you may very well be living in a low-grade sense of unease that periodically flares up and plunges you into turmoil.  So your life has become a series of problems to be solved rather than an adventure to be lived!

If you are honest with yourself, you would recognize that this fixing game has never brought you the deep healing you long for.  But don’t despair. There truly is another way to live that will permeate your life with well-being. This is what we will be exploring together in this book.

We are all being invited to be with life in a radically new and trust-filled way, which is about connecting with life rather than always trying to control it.  There is an incredible field of well-being that becomes available when we discover how to show up for life rather than always trying to make it be a particular way.  Attempting to control life leads to struggle, and the addiction to struggling with life is what creates most of the heartache in the world – compulsions, terrorists, slavery, violence, war, greed, depression and even disease.  The fact is that we are at war with one another because we are at war inside of ourselves.  And if we want to heal the world, we need to heal the war inside ourselves, which is what this book is all about.

This is why I have done blogs and two radio shows on the Coronavirus.  Rather than being just a disease that is spreading across our world, it is in invitation to not be run by fear, an invitation to connect with life in a healing way. Here is a link to my last blog on The Virus of Fear.

I leave you with a paragraph that is so important it is in both the Introduction and in the last chapter of What’s In the Way IS the Way:

For all the people that live on this beautiful blue-green jewel that is our planet, I thank you for your willingness to bring this process into your life. This gratitude comes from knowing that, as you discover and live from your field of well-being, your life will be transformed. It will also transform the lives of everyone you meet or even think about for the rest of your life. For when you are not caught in the world of struggle, you are here, open to the amazing majesty and mystery of Life, radiating presence and well-being. And a human being who has discovered how to be here, becomes an invitation to everyone they meet to unhook from the mind’s addiction to struggle and open back into the joy of being fully here for Life.

For your healing and the healing of all beings, Life is bringing you home.

If you want to discover how to use the coronavirus to heal you to your core, and if you are ready to not be run by fear, we will be exploring these truths and how to bring them into your daily life in my online course called What’s in Your Way is the Way, which is starting on April 8th and is currently $150 off thru March 22th. Please use coupon code: $150offwiyw For more information about what is offered in the course, please use the link above.