
You are an Alchemist

Alchemy is the art of transformation. Down through the centuries people thought it was all about turning lead into gold. We are now understanding that at its heart, it is about turning unconsciousness into consciousness – turning struggle into trust and disconnection into connection and it is happening inside of more and more human beings.

You and I are alchemists. To learn the art of alchemy is to discover you don’t have to be at the mercy of all those uncomfortable thoughts and feelings that show up inside of you – struggle, doubt, endless fixing, obsession, resistance, anger, fear, mistrust, sadness, loneliness, and shame, to name a few.

How is that possible? Imagine having a very difficult day and when you share with a friend what you are feeling, they try to fix you, ignore you, or judge you. How would you feel? You probably wouldn’t feel any better. Now imagine going to a second person and instead of reacting, your friend says that he/she would really like to hear what you are experiencing, and you can feel this friend’s sincerity. As you begin speaking, your friend gives you their full attention, listening in an open and nonjudgmental way. The amazing thing is that after talking for a bit you would likely feel better even though your friend may not have said a word. And that is because you were met with spaciousness and compassion, allowing what you are feeling passes right on through you.

You can learn how to do this inside of yourself. But first you need to see that you usually do the opposite. You have been taught to be with uncomfortable feelings, thoughts and sensations in exactly the way your first friend did. You either ignore what is going on inside of you or you judge it, or you endlessly try to fix it. This may calm you down for a bit, but if you are honest, those same feelings come back again some other time and you get caught again. Most of us have not been taught how to be with our immediate experience, giving it our compassionate attention like the second friend did, so the feelings can move through us like the clouds move through the sky.

Alchemy is learning how to be with what we are experiencing right here, right now. The deepest healing we can know doesn’t come from changing anything. It comes from the ability to see and be with what is happening right now. This is a radically new way to be with ourselves and the amazing thing is – it works! And in this time of so much uncertainty, anxiousness and fear of the unknown, it is more important than ever to discover how to be with exactly what you are experiencing.

A key to developing the art of relating to what we are experiencing rather than from it is developing the muscle of our curiosity. This is not the kind of curiosity our mind is used to – trying to figure things out. This kind of curiosity uses our attention to be curious about what is rather than thinking about it, falling into it, or trying to run away. It is the difference between, “I am so anxious,” and “anxiousness is here.”

Every time we are curious about what is going on right now, we strengthen our awareness. So, I invite you to let go of thinking about life and just notice what is right here, right now as you are reading these words. Pause and listen to the sounds all around you, the music of your life. Or notice a couple of different sensations in your body. Or be intimately connected to the rising and the falling of your breath. Whatever you chose, for a few moments you were actually experiencing life rather than endlessly thinking about it. Or your mind chose to do nothing. And that’s okay. It gives you a chance to see how resistant our minds are.

If this intrigues you, begin to add moments such as these throughout your day. Really taste a bite of your food or hear the early morning sounds outside of your window or feel the water as it cascades down your back in the shower. Little moments such as these sprinkled throughout your day wake you up out of your struggling mind and bring you back into direct contact with life. You can then use your strengthened awareness to be an alchemist with your feelings.

We truly can become alchemists, learning how to meet our struggling shelves with curiosity so that we can be fully awake and connected to ourselves and to life!

  1. Mary, good morning, and thank you for the writing you gave us all today. I know whammy you are saying, and it’s a comfort to find a simpatica soul. Immediately before I opened you email, I suddenly knew what I next need to write. This piece of yours is confirmation. Much appreciation, gratitude, peace to you, Rosemary

  2. This struck me today in a big way. Fear has often gripped me and, through the years, I have found ways to cope, dispel, quiet, and subdue. Faith, family, and friends have been my greatest allies. Today, clarity spoke deep inside. The conflict between “feel your feelings” (fear) and “Do not be afraid.” God doesn’t say “do not FEEL fear”; he says, “Do not BE afraid.” Afraid is the manifestation of fear, It is me be-coming the feeling, taking on its attributes and responding to its commands. As my feeling, Fear is a visitor to listen to and learn from as it passes through. As my being, Afraid is now me.

    To say “I feel _________(anything)” brings me to the threshold of alchemy to a greater good. To say “I am _______ (a feeling)” brings me to self abandonment and dis-ease.

    This concept is not new. For some reason, this writing of Alchemy opened my eyes and heart. The confusion is Replaced with clarity.
    Grateful. Thank you.

    1. This is truly excellent. Thank you so much for sharing your response to the blog and how it speaks to you.

  3. Thank you yes. I listened to an interview, tried what you describe above before my asthma and panic where in full swing and it worked.
    I am eager to keep it up read and practice
    not been on courses due to income, age and computer skills..but started to take whatever I come across next as my guidance thanks to your words everything that comes my way is it.

  4. This was so helpful, Mary. The analogy of our reactions to our feelings and an unwanted reaction from a friend really helps lock the concepts down for me. I struggle with what to do for my feelings, and like you said, they will come back again and again unless they are allowed to pass through. This message came at just the right time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  5. Learning to self soothe is life experience for me. Thank you, Mary, for the reminder that it is, “oh, you again”. And then go from there. I had a bit of a dance with the fear this morning, and finally I said to the recurring fear and to myself, – it will most likely be ok. This caused the fear to wave goodbye, appearing again the next time my life feels in danger to me. I learn each time with the dance, that I am ok. I am good. I have faith and I have fear. The faith is winning. Godspeed always, Sky Ann

    1. Once again, thank you so much for sharing your experience. It’s much appreciated.

  6. I loved the thought that we can listen to ourselves as we would listen to a good friend. Yes, it is so nurturing. I am seen and heard. I am present for myself. I am present.