
This Moment is Your Home

I invite you to take a moment right now and let it all go – the past, the future, all the stories in your head – and simply be present for this moment. See it, feel it, hear it, breathe it. This moment is all that matters because the last moment is gone and the next one isn’t here yet. See if you can be fully here, right now, in this moment.

This moment is your home. And most of us, most of the time, are far away from home. But this isn’t cause for despair. In this schoolroom of heart that is our lives, it seems that we have to take this journey into the story in our heads, into trying to do life rather than be life. Many of us are now on the journey back home, awakening into the phenomenal power of being. Moments here and there of simply recognizing what is showing up in and around you – using your mind to connect with reality rather than always trying to create a reality – are powerful beyond your wildest imagination.

That is why I set aside time every day to simply open to life. I do it by sitting, closing my eyes and bringing my attention to whatever is arising in that moment, inviting my mind to be curious and attentive. Connecting with my life in this way opens me back into the safety and the clarity of being present for life.

Are you open to giving yourself this amazing gift? Know that the most important step is the willingness. Your mind may resist for a while, but don’t let that discourage your intention to be present for yourself in this way. Your intention is very powerful, and in the right time it will bring you the gift of pure connection with yourself and with life.

Once I tasted the joy and clarity of opening to life right here, right now, I began taking myself out of the busyness of life twice a year to go to a place where I could be quiet and simply connect with myself again. I have opened this way in Hawaii, in the desert, in a cabin by a sacred cove on Puget Sound, and at a beautiful farmhouse on a peaceful island in the Northwest. Every time I do this, I come back with a quieter mind, a more open heart, and a greater trust of myself and of life.

When I do this, I take along in my heart all of the skills I teach in my work: curiosity – the ability to be fascinated by what is going on right now rather than being completely lost in it or running away from it;  compassion – the ability to bring the spaciousness of the heart to whatever is happening, both inside of ourselves and outside;  and living in questions – using questions to make pure contact with life and to ask for help from the intelligence and wisdom that is always with us.

My 8-week interactive online course entitled What’s In Your Way Is the Way beginning September 14th can help you to cultivate these skills in order to open to life in each moment and is currently $150 off with coupon code: $150WIYW6 until August 22nd, bringing the cost down to $347. Every week you will receive written lessons along with audio and video files so you can enter the course in whatever way works for you. Click the link above to learn more about this course. If you have any questions, please email Devrah at devrah@maryomalley.com.

So, I invite you to cultivate some level of intention to bringing your attention out of the constantly becoming mind and into this moment – right here, right now. And every time you do that, even if it is only for split second, you bring more and more consciousness into your life and your world. A moment may not seem like a lot, but the oceans are made out of drops of water. May we be healed, and may we become a part of the healing of our planet.

  1. I love Mary’s work. It is very powerful for me. I have read over 300 books in self-development over about 20 years. Mary’s 3 books have blown me away. However I simply do not ahve the finances to do these courses. Maybe the Universe will provide? If I am meant to do the course(s) the money will come.

  2. Dear Mary, As always, you are a gift from your self to our selves. Your life, your work, your caring and sharing has made such a huge impact and difference in my own evolving life. Yes, willingness works! There is a start and stop, but as the willingness continues it continues to flow to the present moment. Now I can say to my self, as you often say: THAT is not true, not happening; THAT is just a story. And it is end of story. Now to what is happening; to what really is true for me and my world. This I know for sure, “the truth will set you free”, and is an essential and most worthy effort! With Blessings & Godspeed always! Sky Ann

  3. Thanks again Mary for this incredibly well timed piece of wisdom. These past two years have seen me finally find the willingness and the intention to be more present in my actual life. A big part of that is you and the words you’ve written. At just the right time, in just the right frame of mind, I found just the right message (from you) that could reach me and help me understand. Help me see what I was missing and inspire me to keep coming back.

    1. I love this!! That you so much for sharing it. It’s the kind of feedback that keeps me going. Be light!