
Mary’s New Book: Falling in Love with You: Nuggets of wisdom for a heartfelt life

One of the core assignments you have been given by life is to fall deeply and completely in love with you exactly as you are.  And yet you have been on a long, long journey away from the wisdom of your heart, away from meeting yourself with the healing balm of insight and compassion. So have we all!

Join Mary in exploring these nuggets of wisdom, which highlight that you are completely unique and an absolutely necessary part of life. These quotes will also reveal how you were conditioned to close your heart to yourself and finally they will reveal the path of coming home to your heart, so you can live from nourishing wisdom and insight.  Allowing the messages from the book into your heart will help heal you, and all those you interact with including our planet. We need your heart!


Praise for the book:

“Here, in a collection of conveniently brief but wonderfully illuminating insights are eye-opening, mind-opening, heart-opening morsels to feed the part of all of us that has, more than once, starved for permission to think well of ourselves. All we have ever needed was some encouragement along the way. This is it. Now we can give even more magnificently to others, as we embrace a full awareness of the wonder of who we are.”
 ~ Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God

Consider buying this book for yourself and for those special loved ones. It makes a wonderful holiday gift or Valentine gift.

The paperback is available on our website and also available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and can be ordered from your local bookstore.

SPECIAL: From now until Valentines Day: buy three Falling in Love with You paperbacks from my website and get a fourth one for free. It will automatically be included in your package.

Available on Amazon paperback