Being Healed By Our Compulsions – Online self-paced course


This course is about discovering a new way of engaging with your compulsions rather than endlessly trying to manage them.

We can be compulsive about most anything – drugs, alcohol, overworking, cigarettes, pornography, worrying, screen time, biting our fingernails, self-judgment, or being overly busy. The statistics show that we have been ineffective in managing them and, if we control one, another usually takes its place.

This new way is about listening rather than controlling, opening rather than closing and relating to your compulsion rather than being lost in it.

Instead of seeing your compulsion as something that is wrong with you, you will discover that it is an ally on the journey back to a deep and trust filled relationship with yourself and with your life. Read More


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This course is about discovering a new way of engaging with your compulsions rather than endlessly trying to manage them.

We can be compulsive about most anything – drugs, alcohol, overworking, cigarettes, pornography, worrying, screen time, biting our fingernails, self-judgment, or being overly busy. The statistics show that we have been ineffective in managing them and, if we control one, another usually takes its place.

This new way is about listening rather than controlling, opening rather than closing and relating to your compulsion rather than being lost in it.

Instead of seeing your compulsion as something that is wrong with you, you will discover that it is an ally on the journey back to a deep and trust filled relationship with yourself and with your life. Read More


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