
The Power of Questions

The core of what I invite you to explore right now is the power of living in questions.  The 2 types of questions – Check-In and Open-Ended – are both very powerful transformers in the challenges of our lives.  The essence of the first check-in question is “What does this situation bring up inside of me?”  And the essence of the first open-ended questions is “What do I need to say, do or be that is for my (or ‘our’ or ‘all beings’) highest good.”

The invitation is to keep on cultivating curiosity no matter what is happening in our lives, for life is not happening to us – it is happening for us.  Bring the power of both the check-in questions and the open-ended question into your life.  If you are interested, there is a list of many possible questions in the chapter on questions in my book The Gift of Our Compulsions: A Revolutionary Approach to Self-Acceptance and Healing.

  1. Dear Mary

    I have just registered and have logged on to congratulate you with your new Blog activity :o)

    Looking forward to reading your writings here and hope to be able to comment and perhaps share a little as you go along.

    Best wishes

  2. Aloha Mary and all who “blog” in! I am excited to participate in this blog – my first blogging experience too!

    Last night was another one of those “healing” opportunities. After a long, heated, much resistance and reaction, and anger-filled argument with my partner, it was only through my willingness to be open to learning why it all occurred the way it did, that healing was able to enter my door and bring its light. I realized that the more I pushed him away, the more I was pushing myself away. The more I didn’t want to discuss what angered me about him, the more I wasn’t facing why I was angry within myself . . . the more I was not facing the insecurity and scared child within. It was almost as though the more I resisted, the greater the opportunity for love to break through the door.

    Questions do have power. Why? How? Why?
    As long as I am open to asking questions during a struggle, I am open to receiving answers. And the answers ALWAYS come from my deeper, truer self. They just make sense.

  3. Aloha,

    Your response shows that you are truly building awareness around your resistance and reaction. Great work!

    And thank you for sharing the fruits of your process with all of our readers.

    All the best,

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  5. If I close my eyes will it all go away?I’ve been told certain tghnis had to happen to come to this stage .It is a sobering article and yet instead of being pissed off at THEM he wisely suggested putting our energies to better use!Personally I (try) to see the excitement and yet I know there is and will be lots of pain .I read once there is no coming to consciousness without pain, that sucks but if the world didn’t suck we would all fall off!(laugh now)I liked that he stressed local community,the first principle he mentioned was trust.I see now in my personal life those are the first two tghnis(community,trust) that have helped awaken me spiritually and give me more courage to not just see but to face what is going on in the world today as apposed to being isolated and untrusting and trying to create my own little world(I’m stiill working on that one)I think people have good insight it just scares them too much so they drink,drug and absorb there mind with music,video games,tv anything to keep them from feeling(it doen’t take a chemical to mood alter) the fear and deep seated pain in what Robert Burney calls this spiritually hostile world.Today I know there are other people that care about each other and the world,and that maybe it’s not a losing battle after all.Love,Patrick